Summer Solstice 2008: Pay to Pray Sweat Lodges
What follows is a list of individuals who are not entitled to conduct sweat ceremonies who are charging people for the service. Some call it “tuition”; some call it a “love donation” some use distorted rationalizations about exchanging “energies”. When you clear away the rhetoric, you have a pay-to-pray scam. Don’t Pay to Pray has been keeping statistics since 2001. We found that this, year the number of pay-to-pray sweat lodges held around the summer solstice has skyrocketed. So has the cost. The actual sweat lodge has become high end entertainment for the privileged classes who are deliberately kept ignorant as to its true meaning and purpose. Please take the time to contact your spiritual and political leaders and tell them of this disrespect. Please feel free to forward this information to whatever tribal organizations you think are appropriate.
WHO: Jim PathFinder Ewing (who is allegedly Cherokee) and wrote the book, Reiki Shamanism
WHAT: 6th Annual Summer Solstice Celebration and World Soul Retrieval Day
WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2008
WHERE: Russellville, Arkansas
DESCRIPTION: “Sweat lodge and Bear Dance
In the Dance, the dancers wear bear skins and “become” the Bear. They “take on” all the ills of the people assembled, and the ills are transmuted into healing power. It is not the dancers who heal the people, but the healing power of the Bear. The wing men keep the dancers bathed in sage smoke, so that the dancers themselves don’t “take on” the illnesses.
“In the shamanic way, we are taught to dance our power animals; we do this to honor them. Anyone can honor their power animals, and I highly advise it, to keep your connection strong. Our power animals guide and protect us; they are always with us. It is good to honor them, by keeping pictures of them around, thinking of them, thanking them, or dancing them. To dance your power animal, allow yourself the time and space to “be” with your power animal – whether it be a bird, fish, whatever – and while listening to a drumming tape, or having someone drum, allow yourself to be guided into a dance. Even if only for a few moments, it can be powerful and refreshing”
“You are encouraged to fast and ask to enter the sweat lodge before ceremonies begin.
In the Sweat Lodge, women wear dresses and men wear cut-offs. Hydrate and fast before arrival. Potluck meal to follow - Bring a dish or other food/beverages, if you wish to participate.
The sweat lodge here follows Yokuts, Cherokee and other traditions as may be the case with the ways of the water pourer.”
Contact info:
Address: Healing The Earth/OurselvesP.O. Box 387 Lena, MS 39094
Telephone: 601-654-3301
Email: blueskywaters@att.net
Website: http://www.blueskywaters.com/
Northern Arizona
WHO: Dr. Susan Shumsky
WHAT: Journey of Awakening"Summer Solstice Retreat
WHEN: June 20 to 23, 2008:
Contact info:
Address: Divine RevelationP.O. Box 7185New York, NY 10116Telephone: 212-946-5132Email: divinerevl@aol.com
June 20 to 23, 2008:Journey of AwakeningSummer Solstice Retreat
Dr. Susan Shumsky
Divine RevelationP.O. Box 7185New York, NY 10116212-946-5132divinerevl@aol.com
WHO: Clay Miller Sedona Aleh-zonSacred Healing Journeys
WHERE: Sedona
DESCRIPTION: ”Keep in mind that all my offered experiences are private. They are tailored to your interests and needs. We surrender to the agenda that awaits. COST:
3 1/2 - 5 hours $155.00 per person with two People$115 with three or more people $265.00 for single person”
“Base price is $695 for one person and $595 per person for two or more. You can make a deposit of $195 with credit card through PayPal. Or you can send a check to: Clay Miller, 405 W. Yuma St. Cottonwood, Arizona. Deposit for more than one person is $350.”
Contact info:
Address: Alehzon Sacred Journeys 405 W. YumaCottonwood, AZ 8632686326
Telephone: 928 634-3497
Email: soul@arizonahealingtours.com
Website: http://www.arizonahealingtours.com/home.html
WHO: Susan Shumsky
WHAT: Journey of Awakening Summer Solstice Retreat
WHEN: June 20 to 23, 2008:
Contact info:
Address: P.O. Box 7185New York, NY 10116
Telephone: (212)946-5132Email: divinerevl@aol.com
Website: http://www.divinerevelation.org/Retreats.html
WHO: Maya Rose
WHAT: Associated with the Wild Rose Sweat Lodge
WHEN: June 21, 2008
WHERE: Northern Arizona – Sedona area
DESCRIPTION:” The Shamanic Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge is a center for the study and practice of esoteric healing and psychology, energy work, spiritual astrology and prophecy, metaphysics, and flowering tree and other shamanic ceremonial rituals. Magickal (white magick) exploration of universal and planetary energies, integrating unconditional love and sacred intent, is the focus of the lodge.
Led by Dance Chief Lyn “Starflyer” Hopkins, the lodge holds classes on shamanism, conducts vision quest and sweat lodge ceremonies, drum team gatherings, and Eagle Dream Dances. We also design and conduct shamanic healing rituals and ceremonies as needed for particular occasions. “
Contact info:
Email: Lyn at starflyer@thewildrose.net
Website: http://www.thewildrose.net/
WHO: Deer Tribe Medicine Society
WHAT:Sweat Lodges and Pipe cermonies
WHEN: Sweat June 6-8, 2008 Pipe ceremony June 21, 2008
WHERE: all over the world
COST: $2500 to complete all their ‘gateways’
Website: http://www.dtmms.org
Email: RedLodgeAZ@dtmms.org
Address: Scottsdale, Arizona
Telephone: (480) 443-3851
COST: $2500 to complete all their ‘gateways’
Also in Germany, Italy, Australia, England, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland
WHO: Ku Istan
WHAT: Womyn’s Sweat Lodge
WHEN: Summer Solstice
WHERE: Tucson, Arizona
DESCRIPTION: “Prayer in a Native American format. 1st Saturday on/after full moon, 3:00 - 7:30pm. Bring towels, dry clothes for after, a gift for the pipe, food to share for the Potluck after (no pork), a Frog Skin donation ($) to help with expenses, and wood (nails must be removed). Call in advance for info.”
COST: (averages $100)
Contact info:
Address: Tucson, AZ Phone: 520-690-0546Telephone: 520-690-0546Email: kuistan@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.wingspan.org/content/res_category_detail.php?desca=Community&descb=Religious+and+Spiritual+Organizations&totaldescc=Other
WHO: Reverend Ann Marie Clock, a “manufacturing, process, validation, and electronic documentation consultant” turned white shaman. (her resume: http://www.spiritgathering.com/MyOtherLife.htm)
WHEN: June 17, 2008
DESCRIPTION: Reservations are required for Sweat Lodge and sleep over in the Guest Room, $60 Breakfast included
“The Buffalo Lodge clears the mind, detoxifies the body and heals the Spirit.
This is a nontraditional lodge.
It is a place to die and be reborn.
WHERE: The sweat lodge is held in New Mexico in Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
Spirit Gathering Tucson Center
7878 W Tree Frog Trail
Tucson, Arizona 85735
Website: http://www.spiritgathering.com/default.html
Information: Information 520-820-8019
Email: mailto:spiritgathering@comcast.net/
Mount Shasta
WHO: Sue Sutton Leland Earth Circle Foundation/Association
WHAT: Women’s Sweat Lodges conducted by Thomas
WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2008
Contact info:
Address: Joyce Jones, President Earth Circle Association
501 N. Main St., Yreka, CA 96097
Earth Circle 2227 P.O. Box 706 Fort Jones, CA 96032
Telephone: 530-842-6157 or Charlie Thom's number is 530-468-2277 or 530-468-2277
Email: jonezee57@yahoo.com
Mount Shasta/Weed
WHO: Spirit of the Wind / Walking Eagle (claims to be a Karuk spiritual leader)
WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2008
DESCRIPTION:” Spirit of the Wind staff welcomes you to the sacred Sweat Lodge Purification Ceremony on the sacred grounds of Stewart Mineral Springs.”
Contact info:
Address: 4617 Stewart Springs RoadWeed, California 96094
Website: http://www.stewartmineralsprings.com/sweat_lodge.htm
Boulder Creek / Santa Cruz
WHO: Char Lynn
WHEN: June 21, 2008
WHERE: Boulder Creek, CA (Santa Cruz Mountains)
DESCRIPTION: ”June 21st we are celebrating our connection to the Earth Mother. We will hike in the redwoods, share a potluck dinner, create and talk around an evening fire and weave together a Dream Circle inside the Sweat Lodge Grandmother. I ask for a $40-100 donation to honor the land, the materials, and time invested in this ceremony.”
“June 21st we are celebrating our connection to the Earth Mother. We will hike in the redwoods, share a potluck dinner, create and talk around an evening fire and weave together a Dream Circle inside the Sweat Lodge Grandmother. TIME: 3-10pm COST:$75 or $140 for the whole weekend's ceremony
June 22nd we step into the Santa Cruz Mountain's Indigenous Medicine Wheel for teachings of our 'Spiraling Growth,' share a meal together (provided), create art from our hearts and dance the Medicine Wheel Pole of Alignment. “
“ROOM TOWELS: ROOM TOWELS ARE FOR ROOM USE ONLY! Please do not take Room towels to the Bathhouse, Indian Sweat or Creek. Towels for these activities will be provided at the Bathhouse. Guests violating these rules will be charged the cost of a new towel.” “Stewart Mineral Springs reserves the right to vary our prices, vary charges and to amend any of our Rules and Regulations at any time as we see necessary.”
COST: $20.00 MINIMUM donation
TIME: 9:30am-4:30pm COST:$75 or $140 for the whole weekend.
Overnight accommodations available: Zen Garden Room (1 queen bed, can be shared) $75/room Mountain Roon (2 twin beds, shared) $80/room Sun Room (2 full beds, shared) $80/room Peacock Room (single air mattresses, indoor camping) $30/person Outdoor Camping available- $10/person Breakfast will be included for all overnight guests. Rooms available first come basis.”
Website: http://spirituality.meetup.com/243/calendar/7991970/
Contact info:
Telephone: 831-338-2996
Email: charlynn@weavingunity.com or MtnChar7@aol.com
WHO: Rosalind Skyhawk Ojala of the Loving Hands Institute
CLAIMS: Rosalind claims to be an Interdenominational Minister, a Metis Pipe Carrier, a Ceremonial Sweatlodge Leader, the Chief Of the Pan American Indian Association Thunderbird Clan of Redwood River Lodge, and a Life Member of the Pipestone Indian Shrine Association.
WHAT: Sweat lodge
WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2008 11am - 4pm
DESCRIPTION:”The ceremony is based on the Based on the Sacred Tree Teachings.
COST: Tuition $1500
Contact info:
Loving Hands Institute
639 11th StreetFortuna, CA 95540
Telephone: (707) 725-9627
Email: mailto:%20skyhawk@northcoast.com
Website: http://www.lovinghandsinstitute.com/htm/dr_ojala.htm
Fax: (707) 725-2471
Palomar Mountain
WHO: Kevin Norton is leading the sweat. He claims to have been following a Native spiritual path since 1993 with the Cheyenne River Lakota community in South Dakota. He claims to be a pipe carrier in the Lakota tradition and to have participated in 5 Sundance’s and many years of purification ceremonies.
“His life partner Lisa Ezzard, who is a Moon Dancer and amazing woman, has participated in the Dansa de la Luna in Mexico for the past eight years with women from around the world. This ceremony takes place near the Sun and Moon pyramids on lands sacred to the Nawatil people. Together Lisa and Kevin lead the Purification Ceremony (Inipi). Their balance between the warrior and the sacred feminine is a powerful and moving experience.”
WHAT: Spirit Weekend Traditional Style Native American Purification Ceremony
WHEN: September 22-23, 2007 or October 13-14, 2007
WHERE: Pacha Mama's Grove on Palomar Mountain, CA
18187 Nate Harrison Grade RoadPalomar Mountain, CA 92060 (not a mailing address?)
COST: $85
DESCRIPTION: “Traditional Style Native American Purification Ceremony. Come celebrate the Birthing of a New Lodge at Pacha Mama's Grove on Palomar Mountain, CA.”Contact info:
Telephone: (619)865-3905
Email: susie@pachamamasgrove.org
Website: http://www.pachamamasgrove.org
WHO: Wild Rose sweat lodge Starflyer (AKA Lyn Hopkins, M.S.W., Ph.D.) is chief of the Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge
WHAT: The Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge founded in in 1993 by Lyn Hopkins, continuing today as Lodge Chief and Drum Team Chief. She offers weekly shamanic classes, sweat lodges, ceremonial weekends and shamanic healing.
WHEN: Summer Solstice sweat Saturday June 21, 2008 6:00 pm and also the weekend June 27, 2008 – June 29, 2008
WHERE: Pasadena, California Lightning Point Campground at Angeles Crest
COST: $65 per class $200.00 for the weekend (includes camp fees, teachings, materials, ceremonies and individual feedback)
DESCRIPTION: Lynn Hopkins claim to conduct ceremonies comes from her study with Thunder Strikes, Humbatz Men, Don Miguel Ruiz, Wallace Black Elk, the late Sun Bear. She is the author of THE MEDICINE WHEEL AND YOU
Luminous Egg Cocoon. “Beginning with the Harmonic Convergence, followed by the 11/11, the 12/12, the August 11th Eclipse, the May 5th, 2000 Planetary Alignment, and the Harmonic Concordance. Lodge Chief Lyn "Starflyer" Hopkins, Ph.D., and her Assistant Director, Shama, CHT, CDC, TDE have joined the lightworker community to sponsor ceremonial conclaves to work with the magickal energies of this time of history. Their intent is to connect with light workers throughout the world in order to awaken our divine nature and take our power as sacred humans by helping to sculpt the New Dream for the Age of Aquarius.
The May 5th, 2000 event was held at the Wright Land in Malibu, California, sponsored by Lyn and Shama and The Wild Rose Dreamers Shamanic Lodge. We commemorated the Birthing of the New Dream, the planetary alignment of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - all within 27 degrees of Taurus. See the Planetary Alignment page to find out more.”
Contact info:
Email: Lyn at starflyer@thewildrose.net
Website: http://www.thewildrose.net/
San Diego
WHO: Gadohi Usquanigodi of San Diego / Ven. Running Wolf is leader of the Thunder PeopleWHAT:Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
WHEN: the second Saturday of each month @ 4pm
DESCRIPTION:” We are a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Native American Spiritual Center, offering monthly sweat lodge & prayer circles. Mission Statement: Our mission statement is to provide a safe place to pray and form community with others, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or beliefs. Additional Information; Sweat Lodge Ceremony is the last Saturday of each month @ 10 am. Prayer circle is the second Saturday of each month @ 4pm. We offer workshops and additional ceremonies”
COST: You must be a member, minimum donation is $25.00
Gadohi Usquanigodi Native American Spiritual Center P.O. Box 578 Inola, OK74036-0578
Contact info:
Address: 1450 Starship St
San Diego, CA
Telephone: (619) 766-3316
Email: Eaglewomen1177@aol.com or mailto:gadohi@laplaza.org
Website: http://www.gadohi.org/contact.htm
San Francisco
WHO: Bay Area Pagans
WHAT: Litha Sweat Lodge
DESCRIPTION:” Bay Area Pagan Sweat Lodge
Energy Medicine DowsingLabyrinthCore Bits DowsingMen's Sweat LodgeWomen's Sweat LodgeHarrison Hot Springs Dowsing”
Contact info:
Website: http://bapa.net/
Fort Collins
WHO: Christina Eala A Place for Every Woman's Spirituality
CLAIMS: “Christinia Eala is considered a young elder among the Lakota People. The Divine Feminine nudged her awake at a very young age and after much searching, her primary passion is following the Red Road, the Spiritual Path of the Lakota. She has worked helping others to bring Wicosani (a Lakota word meaning ?Balance in the four aspects of one?s life?- mental, physical, emotional, and Spiritual) back into their lives.”
WHEN: Saturday, June 21, 2 to 6 p.m. ?
COST: Cost: $30 or $125 for the entire series
DESCRIPTION:” When attending an Inipi ceremony (sweat lodge), it appears deceptively simple. You go into the lodge and pray, get out, smoke the Sacred Pipe, eat, and leave; ah, but there is so very much more to it than this. This final workshop will advise how to ?sponsor? a sweat lodge ceremony in a good and sacred manner”
Contact info:
Address: 1304 S College Ave #6
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Telephone: 970-556-3111
WHO: Vicky Lagoudis who is a “metaphysical practioner, a Reiki Master and a Transformational Healaer(sic)”
WHAT: DAY of HEALING & SWEAT LODGE CEREMONY~WHEN: Sunday June 22nd 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
WHERE: Newton Connecticut
COST: $95 Advance sign up is required, space is limited.DESCRIPTION: “Please join us for an entire day at Sticks and Stones as we celebrate this season of the year and of our lives. The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is the traditional Native American way of cleansing body, mind and spirit. Experience a more balanced relationship with ourselves, the Earth and all that surrounds us as we cleanse our bodies of toxins, our minds of negativities and help to heighten our spirits. Men and woman both welcome.”This journey of renewal will take you through a Morning Tea, Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Healthy Vegetarian Lunch, Guided Woodland Walk and afternoon”
Contact info:
Sticks and Stones East
201 Huntingtown Road
Newtown, CT 06470
Sticks and Stones West
Pahoa Hawaii
Telephone: (203)270-8820 or Cathy (203) 938-3195,
Email: cwheels33@sbcglobal.net for info: Annie: anniesands@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sticksandstonesfarm.com/
WHO: Medicine Wind Society Lori-Ann Locke
pours the lodge
CLAIMS: Money goes to the Lakota
WHAT: Open Sweat Lodge
WHERE: 500 Chestnut Tree Hill Road, Oxford, Connecticut.
WHEN: monthly
DESCRIPTION: “Although I am of Cherokee ancestry, I make no claim to represent the Cherokee Nation in any capacity.
““the Shaking Tent or Spirit Calling Ceremony was once one of the most widely known and used ceremonies in North America. Among the Crow, Gros Ventre, and Blackfoot the ritual was most often performed by female medicine elders.
Respected female healers and ceremonialists “
TELEPHONE: 203-815-5365
EMAIL: lori-ann@sweatlodges.info or
WEBSITE: www.sweatlodges.info
Suspicious appeal to money for Pine Ridge
Georgetown Washington DC /Deleware
WHO: Troupe of the Starry Door
Jim Welch, RN HNC was formerly High Priest of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the founding coven of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. He has been active in the Wiccan/Pagan community since 1981. He was the chair of the committee that wrote the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel's code of ethics. He teaches a variety of workshops that focus on ethics. He is a Waterpourer and conducts Sweat ceremonies using Wiccan protocols.
WHAT: Wiccan Litha Sweat lodges
WHEN: Litha: Saturday, June 21, 2008 WHERE: 14914 Deer Forest Road Georgetown, DE 19947
Contact info:
Address: Seelie Court
14914 Deer Forest Road Georgetown, DE 19947
Telephone: (302) 855-9422.Email:
Website: http://www.sacredwheel.org/tsd/
WHO: Gary Adler FourStaris currently the President of the Many Horses Foundation an organization dedicated to the elders, the children, the earth, wild horses and earth cultures and teachings.
Gary is an enrolled member of the Costanoan-Rumsen Carmel Tribe (Ohlone), and the son of Jerome FourStar, an Assiniboine Elder from the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana
WHAT: Enota Mountain Retreat Sweat Lodge CeremonyWHEN: June 28 2008 (Saturday) at 2:00 p.m
DESCRIPTION: “Everyone who joins us on the property must be a conservation member of Enota. There is a $10 conservation membership fee per person per visit. This fee is an impact fee on Enota's land which is in trust. There is also a $10 facility fee for each person participating in ceremonies. This fee covers the operational and maintenance costs of producing ceremonies at Enota.
There is no charge for ceremony, however please understand that the Ceremony organizers incurs substantial costs to perform the ceremony (rocks, woods, blankets, gasoline, etc.). It is customary in the Native American Tradition to honor the sweat facilitator and fire keepers with some type of offering. In the past this has been with food and blankets. Currently a monetary offering is a more appropriate exchange for services and benefits derived from the ceremony.”
COST: minimum $20.00
Contact info:
1000 Highway 180Hiawassee, GA 30546Telephone: 706-896-9966 800-990-8869
Email: debby@manyhorses.org
Website: http://www.manyhorses.org/
WHO: Rose Hill / SomaVeda Institute
The leader for this ceremony will be Dr. Anthony B. James LMT, ND, MDAM. Dr. James a fully adopted Crow tribal Member of the Whistling Water Clan, son of the late medicine man Floyd Realbird.
Cost: there is no charge for ceremony however we are holding this on SomaVeda Institute property , SomaVeda Institutes regular day fee of $7.00 per person applies for all activities on the premises. This applies whether you sweat or walk in the gardens!
CLAIMS: “The leader for this ceremony will be Dr. Anthony B. James LMT, ND, MDAM. Dr. James claims to be a “fully adopted Crow tribal Member of the Whistling Water Clan, son of the late medicine man Floyd Realbird. Dr. James is one of four living persons given the Crow Chanupa or pipe ceremony directly by Chief Realbird. Dr. James was introduced to the Sweat Lodge ceremony by the late elder Sun Bear of the Bear Medicine Tribe, progressed in his education under Charla and Tarwater of Spirit Wind (Cherokee Nation, Ala.), trained under Crow medicine men and women on Crow Agency, Montana for seven years. He was also assistant fire keeper at the first three Sun dances (Pipe Carriers Sun Dance) held at the Memorial at Pipestone National Monument under Sun dance Chiefs Chris Leaf, Clyde Bellecourt, Leanard Crowdog and others. Dr. James was given the right and honor to conduct the sacred lodge by his adopted father, Chief Floyd Realbird (Past president NAC- Native American Church), Robert Littlelight (Past President NAC) and Richard Realbird (Past President Crow Nation, Gary Owen , Montana). Additional training and authorization was received from Acasio Acatecatl Oltehua Spiritual Leader and healer, born in the Nahuatl Nation of Veracruz , Mexico. The Tehkulle of Kalpulle Olmeca in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico and the spiritual leader of Kalpulli Tonal Teokalli in El Paso Texas.”
As we are peoples from many and various backgrounds the lodge is set up and run in an eclectic fashion suitable for this purpose. This means elements of tradition are borrowed and incorporated from Crow, Ojibway, Lakota, Dakota, Cherokee, Huichol, Tarahumara and Rainbow traditions as described by Black Elk, Sun Bear, Floyd Realbird, Tarwater, Acasio Acatecatl Oltehua and Ed Mcgaa of Mother Earth Spirituality and . Prayers will be made, Sacred fire fashioned and water pored in a good way. We begin and end with the pipe ceremony. This ceremony will be made clear for beginners and elders alike. All good people are welcome. The Lodge will be co-ed.”: http://www.thaiyogacenter.com/tyc/sweat.html
WHAT: Full Moon Coed Sweat Lodge
WHEN: Saturday June 21st. 2008
WHERE: The SomaVeda Institute 390 North Washington Ave. Talbotton, GA 31827
Located in the Piggley Wiggley Shopping plaza!
Contact info:
Address: The Thai Yoga Center
PO Box 367, Talbotton, GA 31827
Telephone: (706) 358-8646 Ask for Dr. J, Julie or Michael!
Email: itta@core.com
Website: http://www.thaiyogacenter.com/
(odorless twinkie sweat lodge)
WHO: Relax4Life Center
WHERE: Barrington, IL
COST: $60 non-refundable donation which goes to St. Joseph's Indian School
DESCRIPTION: ” Note* the "sweat" that is released during the ceremony tends to have no odor, so the ceremony feels very cleansing to all.”
“As a reminder: for the sake of those with environmental allergies, you will not be permitted to participate if you or your clothes are fragrant. Perfumes, Colognes, Scented Skin Cremes/Hairsprays/Lotions/Deodorants/Shampoos, Aromatic Oils are just a few of the products that are not permitted in or around the center. There is also no smoking of cigarrettes in or on the property.”
“Ceremonial Gift: Terry Kinsey, the sweat leader, follows a Buddhist tradition of DANA, or mutual giving. It has supported monks in the Buddhist culture for 2500 years. The monks offer their guidance and the people support the monastery and fill the monks’ begging bowls each morning as they walk through the village on alms rounds. It is a beautiful exchange, in which the hearts of both the giver and receiver are opened in joy and gratitude, and love flows between them.
Terry donates his time and energy as our lodge leader and does not receive any money for doing so. If after a lodge, you wish to offer Terry some money in appreciation of his time and energy (which he donates to charity), it will be warmly and gratefully received. A DANA bowl will be placed in the "feasting" area with his name on it toward the end of each lodge experience. You are always very welcome here whether or not you choose to or are capable of placing a donation in the DANA bowl for Terry. “ http://www.relax4life.com/sweatlodge.html
Contact info:
Telephone: (847) 842-1752
Terry Kinsey, the sweat leader at 708-383-3957
Email: mailto:relax4life@comcast.net
Website: http://www.motherearthadventures.com/
WHO: Shirley Jons
CLAIMS: Lakota
WHAT: The Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival
WHEN:August 5, 2008 -
WHERE: Hart, Michigan
COST: 5 days $420.00
Contact info:
Address: WWTMC Box 22 Walhalla, MI 49458.
Telephone: (231) 757-4766
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/michfest
WHO: Brooke BrodyWHAT:
WHEN: June 14, 2008WHERE: Meet at Potomac Pathways. Transportation provided from here.COST:
DESCRIPTION:” We will be doing a Native American Sweat lodge, which you may be familiar with. Lunch will be provided, and everything that you will need to have an awesome and safe experience. You can expect to have a meaningful and an awesome experience. Wear sturdy shoes, and bring: swim suit and at least one towel (I recommend two). See you there!”Contact info:
Address: Potomac Pathways
15720 Seneca RoadDarnestown, MD 20874
Telephone: (301) 987-7284
Email: bbrody@potomacpathways.org
Fax: (240) 246-7851
WHO: Sanctuary Studios
WHAT: Sweat Lodge,
WHEN: Saturday, June 21st begins at sundown, please call for registration - spaces are very limited.
WHERE: Downtown Plymouth, MA
Contact info:
47 Court Street
Plymouth, MA 02360
Telephone: (774) 454-7290
Website: http://www.thesanctuaryofplymouth.com/
WHO: Rebecca Medicine Owl (AKA Rebecca Denton-Wuerth )Center of Light Spirituality Center
WHAT: Native American Sweat Lodge
WHEN: June 21, 2008
WHERE: Oxford, MI
DESCRIPTION:” Join us in Sacred Ceremony
As Rebecca Medicine Owl leads us in a powerful sweat lodge”
COST: A LOVE OFFERing for the The Center is traditional ($10.00)
“In Native American tradition the community took care of ALL the Medicine Mans/Womans needs, as they took care of the communities needs. We hold to this tradition.
Contact info:
5898 Baldwin Rd.
Oxford, MI 48371
Telephone: (248) 236-0432
Website: http://spiritualitycenter.centeroflight.us/html/SweatLodge.html
WHO: Dreamweaver Lodge Jaqui Thier
WHERE: 45 minutes south of Billings, MT near theRed Lodge Mountain Ski Area, the Beartooth Highway and the northeast entrance to Yellowstone Park. East of the Crow Indian reservation
COST: “Dreamquests” cost
DREAM QUESTS: $1250 for six day and $1500 for a seven day
DESCRIPTION: ”The Rainbow Lodge was given to me in 1990, by a native woman of African American and American Indian ancestry. In the world of ordinary reality, she is a social worker and also a native healer and teacher. I was introduced to her by my Qigong teacher at a time when I was preparing for my first vision quest which took place in the summer of 1990. To honor her privacy, I will call her Oya after the African Goddess. She and others helped me to prepare for my quest and the gift of the lodge and its ritual was part of that preparation. In the spring of the year, the Rainbow Lodge was built by me and the women who were part of a Ceremonial Circle that met monthly at my home in the mountains above Boulder, CO. Oya conducted a "Consecration of the Land Ritual", naming me as Keeper of the Land and the Lodge. She instructed me and the women in the building of the lodge and conducted the first sweats for us while tutoring me in the ritual. At that time, the lodge was primarily a woman's lodge. Honoring the feminine principal through this earth centered ritual has always been a strong focus of the lodge even after we began to conduct co-ed lodges.”
Contact info:
Address: Jaqui Thier, M.A.P.O. Box 1686Red Lodge, MT 59068Telephone: (406) 445-2517Email: info@dreamweaverlodge.comWebsite: http://www.dreamweaverlodge.com
Contact info:
WHO: Sparky Shooting Star/Mary Thunder
Contact info:
Telephone: Cyrus (617)838-9825
WHO: Turtleshire Mountain Ranch
WHAT:Solstice Sweat Lodge
WHERE: Turtleshire Mountain Ranch Magdalena New Mexico
DESCRIPTION: “Full Moon is on the 21st of June during Solstice ceremonies where there are evening sweat and fire ceremonies
“Spirit names are given to those who do not know their names by which the spirits know them. There is medicine in your spirit name. Your medicine, who you are, have been and will be. The medicine of your soul that you have, that is you, that you can learn to share with others.
The pipe also sometimes awards clans, the totem medicine of your brothers and sisters in the spirit world.
Teachings of the four shields and the four directions are passed, and some learn in which direction of the wheel they were born. This helps them understand their medicine even further.
The pipe will sometimes take things from us that are no longer ours to carry, or give things to us as need demands.
When the circle is complete, when all the helping and healing spirits that have come are finished, the lodge pipe is closed and it is on to the next ceremony.”
Contact info:
Website: learn@turtleshire.org
WHO: High Mesa Healing Center in Ruidoso New Mexico Barbara Mader
WHAT: Sweat Lodge
WHEN: weekly – Saturday June 21, 2008
WHERE: It’s just past the KOKOPELLI, Gated Community!
DESCRIPTION:” Here at High Mesa the Lakoka Sioux Ceremony is practiced. While the sweat lodge itself is simple enough to describe, the actual experience cannot be rendered in words. You have to participate in it to truly realize its fullness and depth. From the preparation of the fire, covering of the frame, making the tobacco prayer ties and on through the many facets of the ritual, the seeker is involved in a sacred inner journey that can be profoundly transforming. Every second Saturday of the month, weather and fire conditions willing, we celebrate this ancient method of purification through the ceremony and pot-luck meal afterwards.”
Contact info:
101Mader LanePO Box 834Alto, New Mexico 88312
Telephone: 505.336.7777Email: http://www.sonnie@gmackre.com/ or highmesahc@beyondbb.com
Website: http://www.ruidoso.net/highmesa/MainHome.html
Fax: 505.336.4808 (also a fax)
Santa Fe
WHO:The Swan Foundation
“4 Day January 23rd - 26th, 2009 Only 4 participats for both.$940 7 Day: January 23rd - January 29th, 2009Extended retreat includes experiencing more of the Santa Fe area.$1300 Includes: Food, lodging, program and transportation.” “A $50 non-refundable deposit is due within 10 days of booking. Remainder of balance due 60 days prior to start of retreat.”
Contact Info:
Address: Heyokah Retreat Center7 Avenida Vista Grande, #326Santa Fe, NM 87508 USATelephone: 505-989-8981
Email: info@swanfoundation.org
Website: http://www.heyokahcenter.org/id4.html
WHO: Vista Clara Ranch Resort & Spa Julie Rivers and Dona Wilder
CLAIMS: “Julie Rivers returned to her Indian "heart" felt roots when she and her partner, a Cochiti Indian, owned and operated a tour business that took visitors to the Pueblos, ruins and ceremonies in northern New Mexico.” Julie claims to be a water pourer for the intertribal purification "Sweat" lodges .Dona Wilder, a registered nurse, spiritual leader and counselor returned to New Mexico six years ago to assist Julie at the Heyokah Center in expanding the programs offered. Julie and Dona claim to have had the opportunity to experience Pueblo, Seneca, Cherokee, Shumash, and Lakota traditions”
WHAT: Weekly Sweat Lodge
WHEN: June 21, 2008
WHERE: Northern New Mexico nestled in the historic Galisteo Basin just twenty minutes south of Santa Fe
COST: 3 night summer weekend special $1,549.00 per person
DESCRIPTION: “Julie leads our guests in discovering the native way of viewing life through the Medicine Wheel. These Teachings explore the Seven Cardinal Directions North, East, South, West, Mother Earth, Father Sky and the Sacred Space within. Learn the subtle meanings of the tribal drums, the heartbeat of the Mother Earth, and how each of us connects with the earth and the sky. Guests will conclude the evening by creating their own Medicine Bag as a reminder of the cultural experience. After lessons in Ancestral Ways, our guests are invited to join Julie and Dona in a purification ceremony in the sacred Sweat Lodge at Vista Clara Ranch. This ritual is challenging, yet has been carefully designed for the novice. It releases toxins from the body, while anxieties of the mind are replaced with quietness of inner peace. The spirit is rejuvenated with the feeling of unlimited freedom. The celebration of new beginnings continues by sharing a traditional native meal prepared by Vista Clara Ranch's Executive Chef.”
A $1500 weekend package includes:Luxury Southwest Lodging, Two Massages or Body Treatments, One Yonka Facial, One half-hour Manicure or Pedicure, One half-hour Reflexology or Hikers Foot Massage,All Scheduled Fitness Classes, All Scheduled Activities, Three Gourmet Meals Daily Snacks, Use of All Resort Facilities, Native Ancestral Ways Program, Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Breathtaking Views of the Galisteo Basin, Special does not include service charge or taxes”
Contact info:
Address: Vista Clara Ranch Resort & Spa40 Camino Vista ClaraGalisteo, NM 87540
Telephone: (505) 466-4772
Website: http://www.newmexico.org/relax/resorts/vista_clara.php
Jemez Springs
WHO: Wolf Martinez and Hunter Flournoy
“Wolf will once again be supporting the Summer Retreat. He will be offering his "Transformational Body Therapy", a incredible blend of body work and spirit work. He also will be supporting us in many other ways, as only he can. Wolf is a two spirited, third gender, walks between worlds student of life. He has studied extensively with keepers of traditions in the Amazon, Andes, Mexico, and across North America as well as learning the Oriental medicinal practice of Shiatsu from a Japanese Master. Combining the medicine ways of the ancients, along with intuition and spirit, Wolf has developed for 10 years his practice of "Transformational Body Therapy". He has also been given the privilege to lead the Pipe Ceremony and Sweat Lodge “
“Hunter Flournoy (pictured right) is a lover of life and a messenger of life's sacred passion. A shaman, seer, poet and storyteller, he distills the deepest wisdom of the Toltec, Christian, Sufi, Buddhist, and indigenous healing traditions of the world into a crystal clear vision of personal revolution. Hunter is a teacher in the Toltec Eagle Knight lineage of Don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Four Agreements), a shamanic healer in the lineage of Rebecca Crystal, facilitates healing sweat lodges, and serves as a pastor for Amigos de Dios, a mystical Christian fellowship. Hunter has an MS in counseling, an MFA in creative writing, and has been coaching individual clients and leading workshops in intuitive awareness, holistic healing, and personal freedom for fifteen years in the US and Mexico. For more information on Hunter visit http://www.newdestinies.com/.”
WHAT: 16th Annual Summer Retreat
WHEN: August 11, 2008 to August 17, 2008
WHERE: Jemez Springs, New Mexico
This Retreat is for Gay and Bi Men
COST: $1295.00 A deposit of $300.00 is required to reserve space for this journey. To register, use the "Register for this Journey" button on this page. Payment in full is requested by June 27, 2008
Contact info:
Address: Spirit Journeys 134 River RoadNew Milford, NJ 07646
Telephone: VOX: 828-258-8880 VOX: 800-754-1875FAX: 828-281-0334 Email: info@spiritjourneys.com
Website: http://www.spiritjourneys.com
WHO: Sparky Shooting Star
WHERE: The Center for Symbolic Studies New Paltz, New York
Contact info:
Telephone: (631)766-5936 or Liz (917)294-8636
Email: Eesh21@gmail.comWebsite:
WHO: Deer tribe medicine society Scottsdale AZ
13 Moon Mystery Schools Sandpoint Idaho
Dolphin Star Temple Mt Shasta CA
Philip Thunder Panther Trice - Sweat Lodge Chief of the 13 Healing Moons of the Great Turtle Mystery School. He is a graduate of the 13th Moon Mystery School Kivas, Earth Lodges, and Butterfly Clan Métis Medicine Way Apprenticeships in
Stephanie Rainbow Lightning Elk has been on the Metis Medicine Path since she was 12 years old. She is of the Twisted Hairs Metis Cherokee lineage, a massage therapist, author, playground/workshop leader, co-chief with Guy Lone Eagle of the 13th Moon Mystery School Kivas of North Idaho and co-founder and co-chief with the former Guy Lone Eagle of the Butterfly Clan of Northern Idaho (1999-2002), and a FireMedicine Woman of Chuluaqui-Quodoushka traditions
WHEN: June 6-8, 2008 and July 5-12, 2008
DESCRIPTION: This one has a white dog teacing!
Kitchie kahuna is a Medicine Wolf Dog
COST: “Each weekend or New Moon “Turtle” of training has a fee exchange of $610 with a commitment fee of $2440 due prior to Sept. 14, 2007. This commitment fee is a prepayment for the last four Turtles. Ceremonial Week has a fee exchange of $2500. Half of the cost will be due prior to Ceremonial Week. “
“That which does not serve you will die in the Sweat Lodge ceremony. You will experience meditation and receive the teachings of Wheels and Keys of Wisdom. You will learn to heal others as you yourself are healed. You will be in a group, moving together with a sense of community and intimacy on a path of beauty and joy.”Great Turtle Mystery School will be held in beautiful North California. Call for details.
Contact info:
Email: Phillip mailto:ptpt@nworiginaryarts.org%20
Website: http://www.greatturtlemysteryschool.net/index.htm
WHO: Zoe Bryant
WHAT: Solstice Full Lovers Moon Sweat Lodge
WHEN:June 21, 2008
WHERE: Swannanoa, NC
DESCRIPTION: “June is called the "Full Lover's Moon" or to the Natives "The Making of Fat" or "Strong Sun Moon"”
“Come early and we will clean and revitalize Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel which he dedicated on this land over 20 years ago.’
Contact info:
302 Old Fellowship RD
Swannanoa, NC 28778
Telephone: (828) 298 3935
WHAT: An Earth Awareness Festival
WHEN: June 19-22, 2008
WHERE: Silver Falls State Park (the Ranch Area)DESCRIPTION:” A Magickal three day camp-out!An Earth-friendly event honoring diversityand promoting Earth Harmony worldwide!”
COST: $150.00 per person
Contact info:
Address: 9598 SW Whittford Ln
Beaverton OR
Telephone: Kathy (503) 319-1273
(503) 502-1415
Website: http://www.earthgatherings.org/
WHO: Breitenbush Retreat and Conference Center
WHEN: June 12, 2008
WHERE: Just outside Salem Oregon near the Cleator Bend Campground
DESCRIPTION:” Breitenbush is privileged to offer a sweat lodge once a month which is open to everyone, free of charge. Traditionally, participants make offerings to the leader and fire tender such as pipe tobacco, spiritual gifts, food or money. Breitenbush also appreciates any offerings that offset the costs of wood and caring for the leaders. Participants are responsible for any other Breitenbush services they use (hot springs, meals, lodging...reservations are required and space is limited). Please call (503.854.3320) in advance if you wish to attend the Sweat Lodge Ceremony.”
COST: $92.00/night to stay in a cabinContact info:
Breitenbush Hot SpringsPO Box 578Detroit, OR 97342
Telephone: (503) 854-3320
Email: office@breitenbush.comWebsite:
WHO: Robin Lynne Rainbow Feather
WHAT: Solstice Sweat Lodge
WHEN: June 20, 2008 2 pm
WHERE: RiverBank Farm in Surrey County - about 50 minutes North of Winston-Salem Riverbank Farm, a quiet sanctuary, is located along the Dan River and is only a 20 minute drive from Pilot Mountain
DESCRIPTION: “Robin began her training with Will Rockingbear, a Cherokee Teacher and Healer in Western North Carolina. She now holds weekly healing circles, a bi-monthly Clan Mothers Circle, as well as private healing sessions and ceremonies. Robin offers healing through the Soul Retrieval Ceremony, Twin Heart Dreaming Ceremony, Calling Ceremony and other ceremonies; and vibrational, energetic healing through Tibetan Singing Bowls, Native American Drumming, Laying-on-of-Hands, Sacred Feathers, Stone Medicine Beings and Animal Totems.”
Robin began facilitating monthly Clan Mother Circles (based on The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams) in 1991, after experiencing the Clan Mothers for herself. They not only assisted Robin in her own feminine journey and personal healing but shared with her the ceremony of Twin Heart Dreaming to assist others in healing their own wounded hearts.”
“Please join us for the Little Boys and Little Girls Arapaho Sweat Lodge with Water Pourer Zoe Allison-Rockingbear to celebrate the Summer Solstice. This is a gentle, balanced sweat lodge for men and women, adult and child, beginner and experienced.
COST: Because I work in the native, traditional way, I do not have a set fee or cost for the services I provide. However, monetary gifting is appropriate. This is the way I feed my family and earn my living. The amount you gift is entirely up to you. My teaching from my elders is that I show up to do my work and the amount you gift to me is between you and Spirit. There is a gifting bowl in the Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge for your monetary gifts. Cash is preferred but checks are acceptable.
Contact info:
Address: Robin Lynne 2960 Bennington CourtWinston-Salem, NC 27106
Telephone: (336) 416-7553
Email: robin@flowereagle.com
Website: http://www.flowereagle.com/cd_info.cfm
Center Valley
WHO: Snow Star Raven Hawk
WHERE: Center Valley, PA Eight miles South of Allentown
DESCRIPTION: “She also conducts Native American Sweat Lodges & Medicine Wheel Ceremonies, Monthly Circles, Marriage Re-dedication & Baptism Ceremonies. Spiritual readins performed in a sacred space are also available. Sacred Path and Medicine Cards are tools used in these spiritual channelings and have been designed to bring spiritual messages & initiate healing. She also performs reiki, shamonic, crystal healing, teaching and ceremonies. She will read for someone over the telephone “
TELEPHONE: (610)351-9428
WEBSITE: http://www.freewebs.com/snowstarravenhawk
Youtube: Spiritual Reading with Snow Star Raven Hawk
WHO: Jim Frank and Byron Katie
WHAT: Malvern Sweat Lodge
WHEN:June 21, 2008
COST: ” How much does it cost? : Money is a problem, isn't it? The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is our prayer and you can't buy it at any cost. But people do need to make a contribution and money is the most common way. We open our home and there are expenses. We put out a basket at the pot luck and donations are anonymous. Donations go to cover expenses. If each person attending contributed $20 the lodge would be self sustaining. So plan on a give away donation of labor, fire wood, or money.”
DESCRIPTION: Today, at age 63, Jim Frank maintains a standing sweat lodge at his home in Malvern, PA. Since 1995 we have kept a standing sweat lodge in the way taught to him by Beautiful Painted Arrow, Joseph Rael.”
Contact info:
Address: P.O. Box 503, Malvern, PA 19355
Telephone: (610)-648-0953
Email: jim@malvernsweatlodge.com
or mailto:info@malvernsweatlodge.com?subject=more%20info,%20please
NOTE: As of May 5, 2008, all workshops have been canceled in Malvern
WHAT: Rhode Island Sustainable living Festival sweat lodge
WHERE: Enviromental Education Center: 451 Hammet RoadCoventry, Rhode Island
DESCRIPTION:” The Deadline for registering is Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008 (Earth Day). After the deadline, call to check availability. Space is limited! Make checks payable to The Apeiron Institute, 17 Gordon Ave, Suite 207, Providence, RI 02905, or register on-line at http://www.apeiron.org/”
COST: The cost of the 2-day Earth Awareness Retreat & Sweat Lodge Ceremony is $150 including 3 meals and on-site camping accommodations.
Contact info:
Apeiron Institute
17 Gordon Ave, Suite 207
Providence, RI 02905
Telephone: (401) 228-7930
Email: nfo@apeiron.org
Website: http://www.apeiron.org/
WHO: Laughing Winds/Recovery Ranch
Dede Beasley Sweat lodge facilitator
CLAIMS: Sweat Lodge Ceremonies are performed by therapeutic staff with extensive training in the Lakota Sweat Lodge Tradition”
WHAT:Theurapeutic Sweat Lodges
DESCRIPTION: Equine Therapist and Jeanmarie Guthery (Mama), Animal tender says:
“We have learned from one of our teachers that the wheel can be understood as a symbol of this journey called life; a guide for our own self-discovery. Like life our wheel has undertaken many changes. The design came in a vision after Jeremy and Davids first trip to sundance. They also found the center stone on that trip a 60# piece of rose quartz crystal. “
“At Laughing Winds we use our wheel to celebrate birth and honor death. We go there to pray, meditate, and to practice listening. Our wheel is filled with all kinds of healing herbs. The wheel reminds us of our own beauty. We share with others how the wheel helps guide us on our journey back to self.”
“The Sweat Lodge process provides several invaluable therapeutic opportunities, including the opportunity to recognize and overcome habitual responses to fear, discomfort, and self-judgment; mobilize new coping responses to these common relapse triggers; increased awareness of internal visceral and affective responses and their impact; recognition of personal defense mechanisms; movement from intellectualized and rationalized self-expression to more authentic, feeling-based expression; and supported opportunities for clients to ask for what they need.” COST: All inclusive; except airfare, $1,495.00 per person double occupancy
Contact info:
Address: The RanchP.O. Box 38
Nunnelly, TN 37137Telephone: (615)446-4594 or Call Toll-Free: 800-849-5969! Email:
Website: http://www.laughingwinds.com/index.php?p=Home
Fax: 931.729.9632
WHO: Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center
WHAT: Summer Solstice Celebration sacred circle cosmic walk
WHEN: June 21, 2008 7:00 pm Vision quest June 21-29, 2008
WHERE: Mac Smith Resource Center at the Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center
COST: $50 deposit is due by March 15, 2008
DESCRIPTION: ”Participants will experience several days of preparation and training, a time of fasting alone on a mountain near Narrow Ridge Center, and several days of processing including a sweat lodge ceremony. Past participants have reported significant increases in clarity about life directions, decisions, and purpose, in addition to finding the experience profoundly restorative in terms of feelings of health and well-being. Vision Quests have been part of the rites of passage of many different cultures since time immemorial.“
Contact info:
Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center
1936 Liberty Hill Rd.
Washburn TN 37888
Telephone: Mitzi Wood-Von Mizener at 615-419-6970 or (865) 497-2753
Email: community@narrowridge.org or mitziz1@bellsouth.net
Website: http://www.narrowridge.org/
They have a guestbook!
West Point
Mary Thunder Sweat Lodge
WHO: Mary Thunder, Leonard Crow Dog, JoAnn Parks, Sparky Shooting Star
WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2008
WHERE: Thunder Ranch West Point, Texas
DESCRIPTION:” “Fasting before a ceremony is very beneficial could heighten awareness. If you are too hot in the lodge, please wait until the song or the prayer is finished before speaking up and telling the water pourer you need help. The Old ones used to say, “It is supposed to be hot. Keep your face to the ground and breathe in the coolness of the Earth, let go of what may be holding you back, and pray hard.” Within the sweat lodge, when you are offered water to drink, remember this is the lifeblood of the Earth Mother, feel its healing energy flowing through you. The length of the ceremony can vary greatly depending upon the leader and the participants. Let Sweat lodge leader and Spirit guide you. After leaving the lodge it is best to rinse your body to wash away the toxins you have released and to close your pores. If you have to wait for your lodge to begin, please be patient, and use the time to consider what you want to release and what prayers you would make for yourself, your loved ones, your Earth Mother and your relations upon Her. This is a very powerful healing ceremony, I have seen many heal! “
Contact info:
Website: http://www.marythunder.com/SpiritualServicesEvents/Events/Sweatlodge/SweatLodge.htm
Fort Worth
WHO: Randy Crow Parsons
WHEN: Saturday June 21, 2008
WHERE: Fort Worth, Texas area
Contact info:
Telephone: 817 221-3772
Email: sacredtreeusa@yahoo.com
Salt Lake City
WHO: Queer Spirit nonNDNs Jerry Buie and John Cottrell
WHAT: Weekend retreats for gay men shamanic sweat lodgges
WHEN: monthly
WHERE: Windwalker Lodge in Spring City, Utah
DESCRIPTION: “Although Buie is not Native American, he was taught to pour Sweat – that is, to conduct the Lodge – by Ute leader Carolyn Sanders and closely mentored by several Elders. He has participated in Lodges for 12 years and has poured them for nine. He regularly pours “two to three” times each month for the Utah community.“Auntie Brucie invites you to queer summer camp”
Contact info:
Website: www. queerspirit.org
WHO: Katy Cannon, a fourth-year student at the University of Virginia
WHAT: public art piece "Our Sweat"
WHERE: Charlottesville University of Virginia between Dell I and Ruffner Hall.
WHEN: Monday, April 28 at 7 p.m.
DESCRIPTION: ” Cannon said, "This structure of a sweat lodge is universally known, yet, for each culture it has a unique and specific use. The aim of my work is to find a way to bridge cultural specificities through this universal structure."
Those attending this performance should bring a rock or similar item that can be heated and then wet to produce the steam for the sweat lodge.”
TELEPHONE: 804-387-1672
EMAIL: kgc5e@virginia.edu
WHO: The Land Celebration
WHAT: Solstice sweat lodge ceremony
WHEN: Friday, June 20-Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:00 am Saturday
COST: $250.00 for festival plus “love offering” for sweat
DESCRIPTION:” Summer Solstice Retreat at The Land Celebration Our 10th Annual Summer Solstice Retreat featuring workshops on Color Therapy, Building Your Dreams, Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Wellness Wash, yoga, and the music of Armand and Angelina. Swimming pond, hot-tub, three labyrinths, medicine wheel and meditation trails.”
“While our Lodges are based in the Native American tradition, we honor many other paths as well, and the gifts of all are welcome to be shared in the Lodge.”
Contact info:
Address: The Land Celebration 411 Three Oaks Drive Gore, VA 22637
Telephone: 540-858-2776
Email: info@thelandcelebration.org
Website: http://www.thelandcelebration.org/
WHAT: Change of Seasons Sweat Lodge
Summer Solstice Sweat LodgeWHEN: June 21, 2008 - June 22, 2008 2 pm
DESCRIPTION: “Inuit Sweat Lodge to Celebrate the Solstice with Gratitude. Spend the night, bring a tent, sleep under the stars. RSVP” http://seattle.consciouschoice.com/calendar/6/21/2008
COST: $10 donation for wood if possible or some kind of energyTobacco offerings if you have special prayers
Contact info: Wayne and Dianne
5425 S. K StreetTacoma, WA 98408Telephone: (425) 760-2918Email: info@ unionwithtruth.com
Website: http://www.unionwithtruth.com/Fax:
Elk Garden
WHO: Chief Lightning Wolf (Sweat Lodge facilitator)Water Pourer- Leonora Lantella and the Fire Tenders:Mole Woman and Rainbow Spider
Founded by Vince Lombardi. Vince's multi-cultural background comes from having traveled the world extensively including several places in the Middle East (Jordan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates), parts of South Asia (India, Nepal), Europe, Central America (Costa Rica, Mexico) and the whole USA
WHAT: Sweat Lodge Ceremony -- A Guided Spiritual Journey:In Native American tradition and style
WHEN:June 21, 2008
WHERE: Abram's Creek Lodge & Campground Meet at the Peaceful Spirit Sweat Lodge between Campsites #5 and #6 in Sector I.DESCRIPTION: native American style Sweat Lodge, Ceremony, and Ritual.Liability waiver required. http://www.abramscreek.com/cautions.html
COST: $20 donation to Lodge Facilitators (under 18, $10 donation). Cash or Check in advance please
Contact info:
Address: Abram's Creek Retreat & CampgroundRR 1 Box 118Elk Garden, WV 26717
Telephone: Lodge House - Campground: (Business Only) 304-446-5383
Social Calls: 304-446-5113Vince Cell: 703-328-1840Email: vlombardi2003@msn.com
Website: http://www.abramscreek.com/Lodge_schedule.html
They have a guest book!!!
WHO: Robert Currie
DESCRIPTION: “Wir Sprechen Auch Deutsch. We have been supplying high quality eco-adventure canoe trips to the national and international market since 1996. Our packages are all inclusive and include hotels, food, and special add-ons such as beluga whale watching tours, First Nations Sweat Lodge ceremonies and tours of various Canadian National Historic Sites.”
Contact info:
Wilderness Spirit
696 McMillan Ave.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3M 0V1
Telephone: (204)452-7049 or 1 (866) 287-1591
Call tollfree (in North America) 1 (866) 287 1591 or 1 (204) 452 7049
Email: Rob@WildernessSpirit.com
Website: http://www.wildernessspirit.com/
Fax: (204) 452-7049
WHAT: Shamanic healing retreat at
WHERE: located at 461 Penetanguishene Road (Hywy 93), RR # 1 Barrie, Ontario 461 Penetanguishene Road here in Barrie Ontario
DESCRIPTION: “We are Rainbow Spirits , Eclectic thinkers, following a Multi-Cultural Medicine Way. We offer you a glimpse of multi-cultural spiritualism through products, resources, services, workshops and events from around the world.”
Contact info:
Address: 461 Penetanguishene Road
Barrie Ontario
Website: http://earthandskyconnection.com/dcontent/13042
Guelph Ontario
WHO: Dirt Time Trackers (The does anybody know how to do this? Sweat)
WHAT: Summer Solstice Sweat Lodge and Tipi Finishing GatheringWHEN: Saturday & Sunday June 21 & 22, 2008
WHERE: the home of Kathy & David Browne which is 20 minutes north of Georgetown, just south of Erin. Arrival can be anytime after 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning
DESCRIPTION: “As noted already, we will be having a Sweat Lodge. We will require 2 people to facilitate the Sweat. We need a Sweat Chief and a Fire Keeper. The Sweat Chief manages the entire Sweat with the assistance of the Fire Keeper who takes care of the fire and heating the rocks. There is much more to these roles. These simple definitions don't even scratch the surface of their true job descriptions. If you would like to participate in either of these roles, make yourself known to the group. Dress code for the Sweat is a bathing suit or similar attire. We expect to start the fire at 7:00 p.m. and enter the Lodge around 9:00 p.m.”
Contact info:
Telephone: Kathy Browne at (905) 702-9649
Email: brownes@tbcinc.com
Website: http://www.dirttimetrackers.com/invites/solstice-06-08.htm
WHO: Kerrie Dancing Butterfly
WHEN: July 16th ~ 20th, 2008
DESCRIPTION:” Kerrie Dancing Butterfly will be leading the ceremonial aspects of the retreat including the Fire Offering Ceremony, Cofacilitating the Sweat Lodge and initiating the daily intentions. Kerrie will also be offering Private Shamangelic Transformational Empowerment Healing Sessions and Spiritual Card Readings.“
COST: Investment in Your Health is $695-$1095 US depending on choice and availability of accommodations.
Contact info:
Address: Ecology Retreat Centre
Journeys for the Soul
978 Temple Hills Dr,
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Mailing Address: 308046 Hockley Rd. RR#1, OrangevilleOntario, Canada L9W 2Y8
Telephone: 949.294.2966
Email: journeysforthesoul@hotmail.com or
Website: http://www.journeysforthesoul.com/summer_rejuvenation_july_2008.htm
San Miguel de Allende
WHO: Casa Dharma
Patricia is one of the pioneers of spiritual life in San Miguel, having made this her home for the past 25 years. She is a gifted communicator with experience in community building, groups,meditation and practical spirituality. Early in life she began a path that led her to Tibetan Buddhism. Her teachers include Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Chogyam Trungpa and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Patricia has dedicated her life to nurturing others on the path to spiritual enlightenment.
Ben Zion Ptashnik, a former State Senator from Vermont, was born in Jaffa, Israel, the son of Holocaust survivors. Ben-Zion has been in service for most of his adult life, first as a peace activist, and later organizing organic farmers, consumer cooperatives, and environmental organizations. He is the founder of the Stopnitz Fund, a charitable foundation which is dedicated to human rights, cultural survival, and the elimination of genocide
WHAT: Summer Solstice Sweat Lodge and Children's Sweat Lodge with Roland WHEN: June 18, 2008 8:00 a.m. Sweat Lodge Camp - June 21, 2008 – June 22, 2008WHERE: Bestwood Country Park
DESCRIPTION: “Celebrate the Summer Solstice with a weekend of sweat lodges, children’s sweat lodge building, ceremonies and healing. For further information please contact Jason Sewell”
COST: A charge applies to this event and pre-booking is essential
Contact info:
Telephone: 0115 956 9603
International & Mexico: +01 52 415 152 6336 Direct US Line: 802 526 1020
Email: Jason: turtlelodge@btinternet.com
info@casadharma.com or groups@casadharma.com
Website: http://www.casadharma.com/san-miguel-events.asp
Fax: 01 52 415 152 8986
United Kingdom
WHO: Sacred Earth Camps offer sweats conducted Sun Eagle Heart (AKA Bethlehem Taylor), an alleged Rainbow Elder and Pipe Carrier, and Lodge-Leader Whispers-in-the-wind (AKA Sara Drew).
WHAT: Sweat Lodges
WHEN: June 13 –15, 2008
WHERE: Tiverton, Devon
COST: ” Cheques payable to:- Sacred Earth
Please send to:- 3 Rainbows, Stoodleigh, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 9QQ
Now, let us begin to build the second teaching wheel. The wheel of the six directions - the wheel of the spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers.
So, we now introduce another dimension which gives the wheel tension. This represents the dynamic of opposites - duality and our place as humans on the wheel of life.(left) The Polar Axis . costs 25 English pounds”
“3 Day Camps - £90 (Concessions £85) 4 Day Camps - £120 (Concessions £110)One Day Sweat Lodge - £30Includes good vegetarian FoodPeople faced with a long or difficult return journey may stay over until the Monday.”
DESCRIPTION: ” All the shamanic tools you need for personal empowerment and transformation. The four days, with two sweat lodges, allows us more time to explore the mystery teachings of the medicine wheels: Pluging energy leaks. Increased vitality and inner radiance equals increased heightened awareness. Earth energy healing alignments using the drum, connects us to the spirit.”
Contact info:
Address: Rainbows, Stoodleigh, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 9QQ
Telephone: 01884 881467
Website: http://www.sacred-earth-camps.co.uk/
WHO: Eagles Wing Centre For Contemporary Shamanism
WHAT: Women's Sweat Lodge Ceremonies Spring and Shaman and
Men's Sweatlodge Weekend
WHEN: June 21, 2008
WHERE: Hourne Farm, Crowborough, TN6 2SQ
COST: £150; Deposit: £50
Contact info:
Address: Eagles Wing Centre For Contemporary ShamanismSteel CrossHourne Farm,
Crowborough, TN6 2SQ
WHO: Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society (SOTEMS)
NOTE: This is the group that was responsible for the negligent homicide of Rowen Cooke in 2004
Website: http://www.sotems.com.au/sweat_lodge.htm
Western Australia
Mixed Sweat Lodges
Every Thursday 6:30pm
Brad 08 9331 2461
Mens Sweat Lodges
Every Sunday 6pm
Paul 0414 224 269
Womens Sweat Lodges
First Friday of the month 6pm
Erycka 0419 332 558
Southern Australia
Women's Dark Moon Sweat Lodge 7pm
Contact Prue to confirm details
Prue 0419819089
McLaren Vale
Mixed Full Moon Sweat Lodge 7pm
Contact Prue to confirm details
Prue 0419819089
McLaren Vale
Weekly Mixed Sweat Lodges 5pm
Prue 0419819089
McLaren Vale
Shining Woman Program
Contact Deb Pezet for details
Deb Pezet (08)85363382
Wistow SA
Women's Ceremonies
Contact Deb Pezet for details
Deb Pezet (08) 85363382
Wistow SA
PLEASE NOTE If the forecast temperature is 35 degrees Celsius or above the sweat lodge will be
Mixed Sweats 2007
Every Sunday at 6pm
First Sweat 2008:
3 February
Book on Sweat line 95135959
cancelled. Please check the weather forecast before coming.
Men's Sweat Lodge
First Monday of the month 7pm
First Men's sweat 2008:
4 February, 3 March, 7 April, 5 May, 2 June, 7 July, 4 August, 1 Sept, 6 Oct, 3 Nov, 1 Dec.
Book on Sweat line 95135959
Women's Sweat Lodge
First Thursday of the Month 7pm
First Women's sweat 2008
7 February, 6 March, 3 April, 1 May, 5 June, 3 July, 7 August, 4 September, 2 October, 6 November, 4 December.
Book on Sweat line 95135959
Men's Initiation
By Invitation 10 & 11 Nov 2007
Mobile 0427224604
Bunyip State Forest
Shamanism for Women
Travelling the Worlds of Self
7-9 March 2008
16-18 May 2008
26-28 September 2008
21-23 November 2008
Residential Workshop
Phoenix Institute
Shamanic Practice Workshop
10 & 11 May, 2008
Phoenix Institute
Shamanism for Men
28 & 29 June 2008
Phoenix Institute
Phoenix Prahran
New South Wales
Dynamic Shamanic Practice
17-20 November
Studies in Shamanic Practice
Throughout 2007
Ralph Locke
Sweat Lodges
For details contact
Martin Kornaus
0410 286 746
Men's Sweat Lodges 6pm
First Sunday of the month
Contact Les to confirm details
Lez 0439494633
McLaren Vale
South Africa
WHO: Sunmoon Lodge
Contact info:
Telephone: Mobile: 082 927 9445Email: leeaniyan@sunmoon.co.za Website: http://www.sunmoon.co.za
You can see for yourself what kind of offensive and disrespectful behavior goes on at these unauthorized sweat ceremonies. There are several offensive Sweats that have been videotaped on put on Youtube:
Please join YouTube, give them a low ranking, make comments and flag the videos you see fit.
After Sweat Lodge Party
Beluga Day 2007
Sweat Lodge – Otvaranje
Sweat Lodge with david wolfe (at Ronora Lodge MI)
Racist, offensive, disgusting ...
Earth Dance Sweat lodge New Year 2oo6
Drumming, Firewalking, whooping like in a Hollywood movie - very stereotypical, very offensive
Ulazak u Coral prije Sweat Lodgea
Chi Miigwech
Articles about Sweat deaths still online:
Weweni dibaajimon. Gego giiwanimoken!
Goji bima’adoon iwe anishinaabe bimaadiziwin, weweni anishinaabe izhchigwewin.
You are nuts, seriously. A donation is more than appropriate for upkeep of a lodge, much like passing the basket at church. Some I agree to take advantage but you are so far off the mark it is laughable.
And you are an expert how? People die every single day doing 'things' even going to 24 hr fitness. I should know since I work in Emergency Medicine so nice try... you seem like a lunatic with an agenda much like the nut bar Christians.
My guess is that you wont have the integrity to post this comment.
What exactly are the necessary changes you would like the Left and non-NDN folks to make? Are you saying we shouldn't be attending sweats at ALL? Or just not attending false ones? What exactly would you have us ask our spiritual and political leaders to do? Regulate Sweats? Say 'hands off'? It's a tough balance - I don't mean to co-opt anyone's faith or culture, and yet today's world is more fluid than the past and allows for us to learn about each other by sharing in each others' practice. For example - there are PowWows all over the US - I have learned alot about NDN culture by attending a few of these, and yet also cringe at the seemingly capitalist nature of them. Is the benefit worth the cost? I think so if only because it's easier to fight in support of a culture/people if they are not invisible to me and I can feel a personal connection to it/them in some way.
So along those lines, I think it would be really helpful if you shared information about valid sweat lodges as opposed to (or in addition to) listing all those that are not. By default are you saying any others not listed here are legit? Or (and I can't blame you) are you resistant to advertise the real ones for fear of an influx of unworthy spectators and participants?
Would love a comment in response to this. Thanks.
Exactly which part of NO do you not understand?
What you need to “change” is your white supremacist, colonial mindset. The legitimate hereditary Native American spiritual leaders have been crystal clean on this issue. NATIVE SPIRITUALITY IS NOT FOR YOU! LEAVE IT ALONE! YOU CAN'T BUY IT! IT IS NOT FOR SALE! Anyone that you could possibly have access to is a fraud. NO MEANS NO! No one cares what you mean to do. You are judged by your actions. If you don’t want to co-opt anyone’s religion then you won’t’ do so. Anyone who is willing to sell you “spirituality” is a fraud. Why can’t you people get that through your thick skulls?
Who raised you? Were you never taught that you don’t go where you are NOT invited? We tell you over and over again that NO legitimate native spiritual elder has EVER invited the white race to colonize our religion, to put it on the market, to go around the world 'teaching' it. You choose not to listen.
Left and Right are meaningless terms to real NDNS. You’re all the same. You were all born thinking you have the right to take whatever you want from the Native American. YOU all need to deal with YOUR whiteness and quit splitting hairs about who is a Leftist white supremacist and who is a Rightist white supremacist. You need to deal with the racist indoctrination that tells you that you don’t’ have to listen to brown people who tell you things you don’t want to hear. You need to deal with your colonial sense of entitlement and your belief that you can buy anything you want. You still refuse to understand that some things will NEVER be for sale.
True spirituality is about PAINFUL self-reflection. Non-NDNS who make white supremacist arguments like the one you just made need to do a lot of PAINFUL SOUL SEARCHING. You don't have any time to learn how to use sleazy white rhetoric. You've got lots of work to do on YOURSELF. You need to start examining your superior white attitude that tells you that you are entitled to just TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT! You need to examine your racism your colonialism your indoctrination into white privilege that started from your birth. What's wrong with you that you think you're entitled to corrupt, pervert and pollute the religion of the most oppressed group in this twisted country? Why haven't you looked deep inside yourself and tried to purge yourself of the arrogance that says I can have whatever I like. I can stomp my way into other people's souls and take what is most personal and intimate to them with NO CONCERN for their welfare.
PowWows are not spiritual gatherings. Who are you to judge what goes on at a Pow Wow anyway? Why aren’t you as concerned about how commercial your white brothers and sisters are making our religion and doing it against our will? What have you ever done to stop the commercialization of our spirituality? Have you ever even gotten up the courage to confront one of your idiotic white friends bragging about attending a sweat?
You haven't made any attempt to deal with your whiteness, your entitlement, your arrogance and your racism, yet you think you’re entitled to know anything about what is most sacred to us? What arrogance! The only thing you can ever know about Native American spirituality is that you know NOTHING about Native American Spirituality and you never will.
If you are a friend to the American Indian, you will demonstrate it with your actions. You will not steal our religion. You will confront your non-NDN brothers and sisters who do steal it, you will admit your mistake in thinking you have any right to our religion and you will learn humility. And above all, you will stop making ignorant posts like this one. You don’t have any time to be on the internet, you have a lot of self-reflection to do.
The information that you provide is both wildly inaccurate and sensationlist.
The tragic events surrounding of the death of Rowan Douglas Cooke in South Australia in 2004 was not in anyway connected or associated with the Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society, nor with any individual who is a member of SOTEMS.
SOTEMS, which runs as a non-profit organisation in Australia, was asked by the Coroner to provide expert advice regarding the safety and protocols of running sweatlodges as evidence into the inquiry and not because they were involved in his death as you falsely claim in these posts.
This can easily be verified by looking at Chapter 9 of the Coroner Inquiry into the death of Rowan Cooke which can be found here :
Coroner Finding of Inquest - Rowan Cooke
I am surprised that you have not already read it.
Anonymous coward:
You are extremely ignorant and arrogant. Clean your ears out! You need to check your whiteness.
You're very quick to accept white authority and that reveals a lot about your true character. NDN people can think for ourselves, we don't need a coroners report to tell us what to think. David Jarvis was trained by SOTEMS and that makes them responsible for all the people he kills. Prudence Blackmore is a liar and a fraud. SOTEMS is guilty of negligent homocide, whether they are prosecuted or not. They are guilty. Innocent people don't write waivers to cover their white buts.
You've got a lot of nerve defining youself as being on the "Left". Your thinking is ultra-conservative. You think too much of yourself.
You talk of change, but you have no interest in changing or improving yourself of from learning from other people.
Your manipulative use of white rhetoric and your smug attitude is also deeply disrespectful. Your comments reveal a lot of deep hostility and racism towards indigenous people because you being flippant about stealing from indigenous cultures while ignoring a history of white people forcibly assimilating, stealing from and trying to exterminate indigenous people.
If you really know what changes indigenous people need from you .. well. First, in order for whites change enough for us to even think about discussing our spiritual practiceswith you, you would first have to achieve some kind of psychological, intellectual and spiritual maturity. This isn’t going to happen in your lifetime. You’re taught the price of everything and the value of nothing. You want what you want when you want it and you’re all so cock-sure you can get whatever you want -- for a price. You’ll stop at nothing to find a con artist or an NDN who’s so down and out from poverty that you can coerce him into selling you what you want. That is your nature. You enjoy being selfish greedy narcissistic children who always put their immediate needs ahead of the needs of others. You invented therapy to justify your immaturity. If you want to change something, change the neo-colonial imperialist capitalist society that puts your needs first ahead of the needs of the rest of the planet.
Secondly, you’d have to start to listen to people you still see as inferior to yourselves. Listening to someone who isn’t white is impossible for those who have been taught from birth that they are always right by virtue of their race. Whenever an NDN points out your racist upbringing, you always shift into denial mode. You assert your white privilege and superiority, you appeal to white authority and you never listen. We see how you’re trying to use rhetoric to get your way. We se what you are. You’ve been carefully trained from birth to dismiss or belittle the voices of people of color. This is why NDNS don’t bother to try to educate you. We know it’s pointless to argue with you when you’re in conquest mode. We know that you don't want to change the racist society that puts you at the top of the heap. Or the racist institutions that aplogize for arrogant white criminals when they commit murder.
It's obvious that you're either connected with the racists fools at SOTEMS or some other group of frauds and you're just trying to promote some sick business while making veiled threats towards anybody who might stop their greed. That's all you know. You're not fooling anybody, ANONYMOUS COWARD!
Anonymous #2:
Your comment contains a common logical fallacy employed by New Age frauds and their shills. It’s called the fallacy of argument from authority. Citing an Australian civil authority is useless in a discussion about the morality of exploiting Native American spiritual practices for profit. Just because an agent of the state is unable or unwilling to find a reason under Australian law to hold either Jarvis or SOTEMS accountable for their negligent actions, does not mean that they are not still morally wrong for training people to be shamans.
Additonally, the deputy coroner is not a tribal authority and cannot speak about the authenticity of a group of economically motivated foreigners selling North American Indian ceremonies for profit on Australian soil. The deputy coroner doesn’t decide whether a group or individual is guilty of negligent homicide. In this case coroner merely made recommendations to insure the safety of these fraudulent sweat lodges. He did so without the full knowledge of all the irresponsible and bizarre teachings that SOTEMS promotes. There’s nothing in his report that says SOTEMS didn’t have anything to do with the death – that was never properly investigated due to interference from SOTEMS.
There are plenty of legal precedents for holding supervisors legally liable for the actions of the people they supervise and if Cooke’s family chose to pursue the matter, and if they had adequate resources to uncover the evidence, they probably would have been able to prosecute SOTEMS for negligent homicide. Unfortunately, right after the incident SOTEMS started a massive cover up campaign and spun the fairy tale that they were not connected to Jarvis. It’s highly suspicious that SOTEMS can’t or won’t explain Jarvis’s tattoo that indicates he is one of their "apprentices", however.
The transcripts failed to note that SOTEMS is a fraudulent organization and that Prudence Blackmore is not an expert on anything related to North American Indian spiritual practices. No legitimate experts were consulted. Any training that SOTEMS provides to its membership is inauthentic and is done over the objections of all the legitimate North American Indian experts. If you’re so concerned about accuracy, why aren’t you trying to correct all the false statements Blackmore made under oath?
The Deputy State Coroner made his "recommendations" as a result of the allegedly expert advice of Prudence Blackmore, but Blackmore is no expert, so his recommendations are irrelevant to the issues addressed in this blog. All of Blackmore's testimony is irrelevant to the case against Jarvis (and the case that should have been brought against SOTEMS). Blackmore didn’t even tell the truth about the bizarre beliefs regarding death that SOTEMS espouses that certainly contributed to Jarvis's recklessness. The only reason I can see why Blackmore’s fraudulent testimony was included was to further the economic agenda of the phony shaman industry in Australia – which is big, big business and has all the powerful and influential connections that money normally brings.
I couldn’t help noticing how you conveniently failed to mention that Blackmore is not recognized by any federally recognized American Indian tribe and has no right to speak about how Native American rituals should be conducted. You’d think someone so concerned with accuracy and authority would do a little research into her credentials.
After Cooke’s death there were many people, including some Australian legal authorities, who believed that both Jarvis and SOTEMS should have been held legally liable for Cooke’s death. Fraudulent organizations like SOTEMS have EVERYTHING to do with these unnecessary deaths since they are the major producers of the irresponsible fake shamans who deny appropriate medical out of bizarre New Age (not Native American) beliefs. While Jarvis seems to genuinely believe he’s some kind of Shaman, SOTEMS on the other hand operates with the complete knowledge that they are frauds. To me, the fact that they continue to crank out false teachers for profit with no regard to the health and safety of the people who may be injured or killed in the phony ceremonies, makes SOTEMS more morally culpable than Jarvis, who is just a gullible fool who wants to believe he’s a shaman. Allowing SOTEMS to continue to do business in Australia is unconscionable, but justice is denied every day. The fact that SOTEMS distanced themselves from their irresponsible pupils and constructed a waiver to protect them from any legal liability speaks volumes as to their true priorities. The statement that SOTEMS had nothing to do with the death is a fantasy constructed by SOTEMS out of fear of negative publicity that they will lose them money. No one believes this fantasy except SOTEMS and the people the weak minds they’ve been able to brainwash. I’m sure SOTEMS will want to distance themselves from the next one of their "apprentices" who kills someone. Money gets you out of murder charges in Australia just like it does in the States.
Anonymous and sidecracked don't know what they're talking about and they should be quiet until they get some wisdom.
How do you explain the fact that no one ever died in a sweat lodge before outsiders started doing them? This has become such a problem that even western medicine has coined the term "sweat lodge syndrome." You can read about it in The American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology in the September 2005 issue.
(If you can understand all the big words.)
"There are also a number of features that characterize this particular "sweat lodge syndrome," including prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures in a relatively uncontrolled environment, failure to ensure adequate hydration, failure to appreciate the significance of loss of consciousness, use of ineffective alternative methods of treatment, and delay in seeking appropriate medical care.
In other words, this particular "tragedy" happens when irresponsible woo woos play around with powers that they don’t understand and shouldn’t be messing with. Our elders have been warning us for a long time that people are going to die because of non-Indian arrogance and ignorance. Even the western doctors have figured out that people die when plastics pretend that they know what they’re doing when they really don’t know anything at all.
Many traditionalists believe this happened because the non-Indians conducting these fake wannabe sweats disrespected the spirits and the spirits paid them back for their sacrilege. These deaths were a warning for Non-Indians to leave our spiritual practices alone! Native religion is all about respect and protocol. Non-Indians can't understand this. They have no respect, all their ceremonies are dead and nothing is sacred to them so they don't know how to behave around something sacred. They're raised to be disrespectful to everything that is sacred. They're so immersed in disrespect that they can't understand that you don't go where you don't belong and where you're not wanted. They don't know how to read the signs that the spirits give when you're not wanted -- they just ignore them.
The spirits don't speak English and they won't speak to you, anonymous whoever you are! No one invited you to intrude on our ceremonies. Sweat lodges are not the Non-Indian's business. You should keep you nose out of our business if you don't want to be harmed spiritually and physically. It's not your business to make laws for us and it's not your business to judge our pow wows. You didn't learn anything there.
The deaths will continue as long as the disrespect continues, you'll see.
ab-original advocate :
Thank you for the time and effort you put into your response to my post and for also clarifying your understanding. For this, I offer my respect.
Your argument was made with such certainty that I have made sure I double checked my facts about David Jarvis before I answered you.
Very few people accept the commitments that it requires to join SOTEMS and even fewer of those are ever invited to undergo the several years of training that it takes to get to a position to facilitate sweats.
As a SOTEMS member based in Melbourne, my training has taken over 5 years to be in a position to faciliate sweatlodges for the community.
David Jarvis was from Melbourne, however, he would be known to me if he was a member of SOTEMS, as you claim. I do not know of him, except for what I have read in the papers and I have never heard of him before. He is not a member of SOTEMS, has never been associated with SOTEMS, does not have a SOTEMS tattoo and most definately has not been trained by SOTEMS. It is that simple. I would know him very well if he was.
You talk about SOTEMS being "big big business" with all the "power and influencial connections that money brings". As I said before, SOTEMS is a non-profit community organisation. No money is made from SOTEMS and no facilitator is paid for the sweatlodges that they faciliate.
SOTEMS works within the legal framework of Australian law and as such it is seen as an Unincorporated Association under Australian Law. Please refer to this link Unincorporated Association Explanation and please pay attention to the section that says
"An unincorporated association is a group of individuals with no independent legal identity. This means that members of the association, and in particular the committee members, are personally liable for the association."
SOTEMS members and especially committee members are liable for all things that are done in SOTEMS name, and for this, we accept responsibility and therefore take our responsibilities and commitments very, very seriously.
If David Jarvis was linked to SOTEMS through his "apprenticeship" tattoo or through membership or training as you falsely claim, we would be liable for his actions. There has been no coverup, there has been no conspiracy. Australian law is not that simple that it can be bought off so easily - not for something like this, and certainly not by us.
It is also out of ignorance for Australian Law that Heather and others think that our waiver will protect us in such a situation. Our waiver has been used for over 10 years and is used to ensure the facilitator is properly informed by participants of their current medical condition and also to ensure the participant knows their responsibilities of preparing for the sweat. People only sign a waiver the 1st time they sweat. It is unfortunate that we live in a culture that people only pay attention to these kind of things when they have to sign a form, but that is the reality of the Australian culture and has often been extremely valuable for being informed of personal circumstances that otherwise would not have been known.
It is unfortunate that such black and white details could be so easily misconstrued by yourselves and therefore shows that it would not be possible to express, especially online, the subtleties of our work here, our lineage and training, and the services that we provide both to the Australian western cultures and aboriginal cultures.
I also feel no need to defend Pru against your accusations against her, as her contributions to her community speaks for itself.
I understand that it will be all too easy to dismiss me as a liar and another "cog in some evil machine" but that doesn't change the facts I have outlined above.
We are also extremely concerned about those in Australia that casually or glibly run sweats or similar activities without the proper rigorous and disciplined training that is required. We are also concerned about those in Australia running around pretending to be linked to Native Americans and getting non indigenous people to try and imitate Native American or even Aboriginal traditions. This is not how the Australian land speaks to us and this is not how SOTEMS operates.
Heather has my email address but she has not responded to me. Please feel free to contact me through her if you wish, else I wish you well in your endeavours.
Why don't you fools from SOTEMS give up? You're NOT NDN. You have NO RIGHT to conduct our ceremonies! You're in it for the MONEY and the EGO and everyone sees through all your lies.
SOTEMS is a BIG business. SOTEMS should not be telling people that they can train them to "facilitate" sweats. EVERY SINGLE LEGITIMATE SPIRITUAL ELDER HAS TOLD YOU TO STOP THIS AND YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN. This is a simple issue, you don't need to keep making up ridiculous arguments. SOTEMS needs to GO OUT OF BUSINESS and give all the money it made to legitimate indigenous spiritual leaders to make up for their offense. White fools need to stop controlling Native spirituality. Stop pretending like you don't know how wrong you are you anonymous coward. Get off the internet. No one believes your bullshit!
All you non-NDNs out there wasting our time arguing about whether or not you have the right to purchase stolen culture need to listen to a real spiritual leader.
Looking Horse Proclamation
on the Protection of Ceremonies
Source: Indian Country Today, April 25, 2003
Posted: April 25, 2003 - 10:17am EST
by: Arvol Looking Horse / Guest columnist
Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, would like to thank all the People that attended this historic Protection of Ceremonies meeting.
* Bernard Red Cherries Northern Cheyenne Nation Northern Cheyenne Arrow Priest and Elk Society Headsman
* Tweety Little Bird Northern Cheyenne Nation Northern Cheyenne Elk Horn Scraper Society
* Lee Pedro Southern Arapahoe Nation Southern Arapahoe Rabbit Man (Holy Man)
* Dave Chief Ogallala Nation Lakota Spiritual Leader
* Dave Swallow Ogallala Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Kevin Horse Looking Ogallala Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Floyd Hand Ogallala Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Silo Black Crow Ogallala Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Sam Moves Camp Ogallala Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Chris Leith Prairie Island Dakota Community Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Gaylen Drapeau Sr. I-hank-to-wa (Yankton Sioux) Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Gaylen Drapeau Jr. I-hank-to-wa (Yankton Sioux) Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Ambrose Little Ghost Spirit Lake Dakota Nation Dakota Spiritual Leader
* Calvin Medicine Bear First Assinoboine Nakota Nation Nation Spiritual Leader
* Leonard Crow Dog Si-c an-g u Rosebud Sioux Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Roy Stone Sr. Si-c an-g u Rosebud Sioux Nation - Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Ned Medcalf Si-c an-g u Rosebud Sioux Nation Interpretor/advisor
* Leon Red Dog Hoh -wo-ju Cheyenne River Sioux Nation - Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Steve Vance Hoh -wo-ju Cheyenne River Sioux Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Francis Yellow Hoh -wo-ju Cheyenne River Sioux Nation Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Jacob Sanderson Cree Nation Canada Medicine Bundle Keeper
* Kevin Ta-c an Sioux Valley Manitoba Dakota Nation Dakota Spiritual Leader
O n March 8th and 9th, Spiritual Leaders and Bundle Keepers of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nation, Cheyenne Nation and Arapahoe Nation were called together to discuss the protection from the abuse and exploitation of our ceremonies. The meeting was held at the Cultural Center in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, hosted by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. I would also like to acknowledge the financial donation from the Prairie Island Dakota Community.
Discussions in the meeting included the molestation taking place in ceremony, indecent mockery, mixing of new age beliefs, charging for ceremonies and death, which was never heard of before in our ancient ceremonial history. There was also discussion of the use of other medicines (drugs) in and around our ceremonies. When the White Buffalo Calf Woman brought the Sacred Bundle, she instructed that only those with a pure mind and heart should touch the Canupa. The ceremonies in question, in reference to all the Plains Tribes, were the I-ni-pi (Purification Ceremony), Wi-wanyang-wa-c i-pi (Sundance Ceremony) and Han-ble-c i-ya (vision quest) Sacred Rites.
We put out notice in the newspapers, native radio stations and also contacted people through the phone. I offered prayers for the safe journey of the People to this very important historic meeting. Those that could not attend, I acknowledge their prayers for a good outcome for our concerns.
After long discussion and testimonies of the concerns and issues, it was decided that it would be up to me, as the Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe to make a decision. It was good to feel the beginning of a Unity amongst our People. This has been my concern for many decades, especially now, when we are facing an oncoming war. We need to stand strong with our ceremonies!
I will state what the decision is and also explain the reasons. I will state the protocols to our Seven Sacred Rites, which were passed down to me when I became the next Keeper at the age of 12 years old. These protocols are traditional knowledge passed down through our oral history and need to be brought back to strengthen our Ho-c o-ka (our sacred alters) once again.
I will also address the areas that I cannot be involved in. My responsibility is the Seven Sacred Rites.
It was decided, from March 9th, 2003 and forward, there will be NO non-Natives allowed in our sacred Ho-c o-ka (our sacred alters) where it involves our Seven Sacred Rites. The only protection with this decision in Government law; is that only enrolled members can carry an eagle feather. In all the Seven Sacred Rites, there has always been the understanding of earning and a requirement of an eagle feather while participating in these Rites. The eagle feather stands for Indigenous knowledge and guidance in our spiritual ways
* The Wi-wanyang-wa-c i-pi (Sundance Ceremony): The only participants allowed in the center will be Native People. The non-Native people need to understand and respect our decision. If there have been any unfinished commitments to the Sundance and non-Natives have concern for this decision; they must understand that we have been guided through prayer to reach this resolution. Our purpose for the Sundance is for the survival of the future generations to come, first and foremost. If the non-Natives truly understand this purpose, they will also understand this decision and know that by their departure from this Ho-c o-ka (our sacred alter) is their sincere contribution to the survival of our future generations.
* Please understand the Wi-wanyang-wa-c i-pi Ceremony is not only taking place in the center (Ho-c o-ka) with the dancers. The ceremonial participation also depends on all the supporters on the outside of the arbor who should be in prayer. From the gate, to the cook shack, to the fire-keepers, to the supporters around the arbor, to even the moon camp, all people are still a part of this sacred ceremony.
* There should be a preparation of Han-ble-c i-ya (vision quest) before you become a participant of the Sundance.
* We shall go back into this ceremony with the proper protocols before and during the ceremony itself. Only those that have had the dream or direction through a ceremony, in concern of someone's health, should be dancing. Dancers should be secluded from outside participants, as to not be contaminated by other peoples energy or thoughts. There should be absolutely no food or water during this four-day ceremony. If there are health problems, you should choose a person to finish your commitment. This ceremony is supposed to be for those that believe they can fulfill all required four days of the ceremony.
* Han-ble-c i-ya (Vision Quest): The vision quest should be ONLY for Native People that have had the dream or vision. This Rite is also for the young men and women that reach the age of 12 years of age.
* I-ni-pi (Purification Ceremony): Those that run this sacred rite should be able to communicate with Tun-ca-s i-la (our Sacred Grandfathers) in their Native Plains tongue. They should also have EARNED this rite by completing Han-ble-c i-ya and the four days and four years of the Wi-wanyang wa-c i-pi.
* The other four sacred rites of the Hun-ka ka-g a (Making of a Relative), the Ta-pa kah -g o-ya (Throwing of the Sacred Ball), Wi-yan is -na ti (Womanhood Ceremony) and the Na-g i glu-ha (Keeping of the Spirit Ceremony), should be only handled by legitimate Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate (People).
• It was also decided only legitimate Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate Medicine Bundle Keepers should handle any other ceremonies that are connected to our Ho-co-ka, such as the Lo-wa-pi and U-wi-pi ceremonies.
• There should be no price tag allowed to participate in any of our Sacred Ceremonies. The only protocol needed for a ceremony is to o-pa-g i, meaning to offer your C anupa or offer tobacco that has been prayed with, in which the Medicine Person accepts or not accept if he is not able to assist. Medicine People do need to survive, and if people wish to give a monetary or any other gifts after they receive their help from ceremony, giving it from their hearts, I see no problem with that. We have to have faith that the Grandfathers will provide for our needs to survive in this modern society; whether the gift is money, blankets, food or anything that represents how much they appreciate the help. Some people can afford big gifts, some people cannot. It all balances out.
• My position is only for the Seven Sacred Rites. I cannot dictate to our Medicine People who they allow to attend and support these Rites, in reference to non-Native People. I cannot dictate who they choose to doctor in their ceremonies. I cannot dictate where they travel to doctor.
• I have my own personal feelings on who should be Keepers of our Sacred C anupa (Pipe). The C anupa is very sacred and the Keeper should first be given a dream and be of Native decent. This issue should be further discussed in our future meetings. The reason for my feelings is that I am aware the C anupa has gone out to the International community and has been for sale. I know that most non-Native People do not understand the important protocols or have had the Traditional background to carry this sacred item properly. I am aware of women in their moon and men with blood on their hands (to take ones life intentionally) have been allowed to touch and carry the C anupa. These serious situations were never to be allowed. I offer thanks to the non-Native People that have returned the C anupa to our People, after I privately shared my concerns with them. I acknowledge their true sincerity in assisting our Nation to protect the survival of our Traditional way of life on behalf of our future generations. They have helped us bring back honor and respect to our sacred Ho-co-ka and C anupa.
• There was also discussion of only the Plains Tribal members to participate in the Ho-co-ka of the Wi-wanyang wa-c i-pi and the Han-ble c i-ya Ceremonies. In the early 70 s, Chief Fools Crow and my father Stanley Looking Horse decided to allow other Native Nations to participate in these Rites. Their reasons were based on the fact that most Nations have lost their ways through assimilation or lack of Teachers to teach their Indigenous ways. They honored and understood the unity of the First Nations People when different Tribes came to the aid of the Wounded Knee Occupation. I cannot undo their decision out of respect for our Chief and Elder. It has also been in our history that our Ancestors have respectfully shared our ceremonies with other Indigenous Nations.
• The original teachings were that the Pipe Carrier should make their own C anupa. There was an understanding of the sincere spiritual energy and the traditional values passed down through our bloodlines. All the values of compassion, love, honor, respect and truth are molded into the spiritual life they are creating. I hope that one day the future generations will again pick up this important protocol.
I would like to invite all our Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nations to the next ceremony when I bring out the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Bundle. The dates in the fall will be announced. During this time we will place the 12 honorable compassionate men to assist in taking care of the concerns of the Sacred C anupa. We will also discuss the protocols of the need to have a good mind and good heart to be a member of the Societies that will carry out these decisions in a respectful manner.
There will be another Protection of Ceremonies meeting to further discuss and address these serious issues in the future. This meeting will be sponsored by the Cheyenne Nation.
Once again, I thank all those that have offered prayers for these very serious issues to be discussed and handled in a good way.
In the Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!
Mitakuye Oyasin, Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Nobody on the list has the right to be doing what they're doing. You all should all be thanking Heather for her courage to bring this issue to the attention of the land bastards not attacking her for telling you your emperors are buck naked!
Dear One,
It is a true concern and I honor that. I also can honor the message from Chief Arvol Looking Horse who i have met and shared certain ceremonies with.
Your anger is apparent and perhaps rightful to your own situation, but perhaps you should look to using your spirituality and ceremonies to cleanse this ange for your self...as i'm sure your intent is to spread information, not anger.
In terms of Archi Fire Lamed Deer, whom I've met, in his Vision Quest he saw that he needed to spread the sweat lodge to europe, so that european could claim back their sweat lodge ceremonies, as it actually came from there - (think Sauna, Bath Houses, etc..) To think that the sweat lodge is only Native American is quite naive. Everywhere in the world people used a means of sweating to heal, commune and pray. Each had different forms, structures, songs etc...
ON the point of using the specific Lakota Inipi Ceremony when you are not from that culture, I agree with you! On the other hand, I would encourage that there may be other ways of sweating that are also beneficial or could come in a dream, in an honorable way. ...and to honor that dream they shall practice this!
IN terms of payment for spirituality - i have to say in my heart i agree with you, yet this is a strange phenomena that we are facing today! Payment for services is definently as ancient as time began. Donations are also welcomed. Knowledge can be given for a fee - but prayers can be done free in your own way anyway!
your comment>>True spirituality is about PAINFUL self-reflection! WHY? Self Reflection yes, but not painful. Pain is just a means, one that is powerful and to the point, meaning deprivation is a great way to purify the body, mind, emotions to hear your spirit, but it is not a HAVE TO. This is a judgement that should be contemplated in prayer!
Spirituality has many roads and boxing it into any terms that any language uses is limiting to it's awesome power - spirit and love are free of our conditioning, our human limitations, and our small striffles.
In terms of Death - dying could be one of the greatest spiritual experiences - and dying in a sweat could be one way chosen by that spirit. Perhaps it's happening more because it is offered more and is therefore more of an opportune time to leave this earth.
Consider forgiveness for these people who have had the trauma of facing death during their moment of prayers - you can't judge what is the proper way to pray for anyone else but yourself, and you can choose which ceremonies you partake in, while allow the creator to judge, as it is not for us to.
As per Archie, a traditional lakota, going through tradition ways, in his vision quest he sees that he must spread the knowledge to other "tribes" ... in a traditional sense, this must be honored, as a proper vision of the devine!
with love to you ...
From a Native Basque Brother
- basques are native european indigenous people
i'm a sundancer and long term student of the red road. thanks so much for posting this. mabey some of the wanna be connecteds will seek out a real ceremony. look for the union label-no CHARGE. this energy exchange shit is just that. wake up white people-a ceremony is not just another exotic "experience" to buy-it's a deeply personal way of life. show sum fucking respect will you?
These deaths happen because of the extreme arrogance of the white people who can't deal with the guilt they feel for continuing to occupy this blood soaked land. They will always justify their extreme denial of reality by calling you "nuts" and insisting that the only reality they know - global Capitalism - is the true reality. Whites die in sweat lodges because they mess with powers that they shouldn't be messing with. They will never listen to indigenous voices telling them to leave our religion alone. Their greed and their arrogance is too great. No matter how many lists you put up, they prefer to remain blind and in denial. They will look to the ends of the earths for white people who look like them to tell them that their exploitation and escape from reality is really sanctioned by the divine. You can't get the desire to take everything from the Indians out of the heads of white people. The sweat lodge craze is just another manifestation of Manifest Destiny. They don't have the courage or the character to confront all the racist indoctrination they've blindly accepted their whole lives. Those who purport to be our allies, and progressive are even worse than the missionaries of old. They have one goal and one agenda: to destroy anything that is truly indigenous, our languages, our culture and our true religions and to replace it with the religion of Capitalism and the 'Free' market. I see the same excuses and justifications here re-hashed over and over. Where are the legitimate sweats? What kind of band-aids can we put on the problem to shut you up? Ridiculous slippery slope arguments about the government regulating sweats - anything to justify their continued exploitation and their continued denial of their own emptiness and their own arrogance and greed.
There are NO legitimate sweats.
Our spirituality is NOT FOR YOU!
No one ever invited whites to practice our ceremonies. We are NOT responsible for saving your souls - you have to save yourselves by De-colonizing your minds and learning how to create your own cultures. Your website is right! All these well-intentioned Whites need to choose to get out of bed with colonialism. Break the chain to your ancestors! Stop stealing from the Indian!
I appreciate what you're doing with this blog. I found it researching Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan because some people I know are getting involved with him and want me to go to a "Pre-Q" meetup. I'm not stupid, so I'm not going. I did see that his so-called Deer Tribe charges the most for the sweat lodges, at a whopping $2500! If you have documented information to debunk him, I would appreciate it, because no one is listening to me. Thanks again.
The comments by the ignorant white wannabes who visit this site are ther reason why real NDN people no longer want to have anything to do with whites.
"nuts" is a common ad hominem attack that flim flam artists make once they've been exposed. How many times to we have to tell you dumbass whites - REAL spiritual leaders NEVER, EVER CHARGE! NO ONE PENNY! If some nuage guru you're following is charging you or asking you for "love donations" or telling you all this bullshit about the upkeep of the lodge you are being swindled! Wake up White people !!!!! You don't know who NDNS are! Get over your arrogance! Get over your need to know everything! Get over your need to be the "experts"! Spirituality is one area where white people will always be clueless. Your ancestors traded their souls for gold and undeserved privilege. You trade your souls every day to maintain that undeserved privilege. Deal with it! If you're shelling out money, you are not getting more spiritual. You're getting bilked. Stop boring us with your senseless justifications of your own stupidity and gullibility!
WOW! What is there to be said, except... I must've been doing this wrong all these years.... just think - I could never work again! LOL!!
There is a time for us all to realize that some people will never be changed, nor able to see/understand the things that they do that is simply wrong. Maybe only in the numerous deaths, will some insight be gained. Sadly, that seems to be the way of the whites.
In stating that donations of love can be gifted to the lodges... yes, sometimes money is given - more often than not, it's simply the donation of a person's time - to help in set-up/tear-down, to help with the feasts, a "hey - could ya use $5 for gas?" or "need a ride back to town?" or "hey - brought some more wood in the back of my truck!" THAT, my friends, is a "love donation" - a giving/gifting of your time - so much more precious than the green stuff that burns. Will you ever learn? I can only hope.
Sidecracked - you are right on. Sequana - you actually believe $2500 for a sweat lodge? You are a dumbshit. AngryNDN - give us our Blogger and social media back! IT'S OURS AND NOT FOR YOU!! While you're at it, lose some weight, get a real job and stop drinking Coke and Doritos. THEY'RE OURS - you ignorant person. Go back to the horses. Cars are for WHITE MEN. DO IT NOW OR WE'LL SUE!!
Sequana... comment on June 2009 is
totally not true.. the Deer Tribe does NOT charge $2500.00 for Sweats!
Why don't you get it right before you write it.
This is well-intentioned trash. One extreme going to the other extreme creates tragedy.
readers with some sense might want to check this link
WF Posey
Great site,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it.Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
I agree with much that is said and much that is not said here. Charging for any indigeneous ceremony is wrong. What I would like you all ot consider is that Creator didn't just give the purification ceremony to my red relatives. There are traditional purification lodges in every culture. Yes, they should stick tho their own culture if they are to have a purification ceremony. My ancestors in Ireland even had a sweat ceremony. They have uncovered many lodges which were made of stone. I wish you all understanding, healing and peace.
I read every post here and hear the NDN voice say white people stop taking from our culture, our ceremonies,stop taking what is not yours. No NDN would ever allow a "white" person to "pray in a sacred ceremony.
I see this in two ways. You who speak from a hardened heart has forgotten your own way. NDN or not. Can your connection with your creator truly be taken from you? Will your prayer not be heard if you pray with or for a white person? I am truly truly sorry that you hurt and that your people are dying from diabetes and poverty and cold and gangs and drugs and drinking. I myself have prayed in Sweat lodge welcomed by 100% full blooded NDN people in Wanblee. I hear your peoples prayers I hear you now. I also have seen your people stumble outside the lodge drunk wanting to come in the last round in dirty jeans and a T shirts totally disrespecting your own culture. I do think it is vital that your people remember your own heritage and no it should never be at a cost.
Ceremony is prayer only, but at the same time did you read what Looking Horse wrote in his own words about Donation?
"Medicine People do need to survive, and if people wish to give a monetary or any other gifts after they receive their help from ceremony, giving it from their hearts, I see no problem with that. We have to have faith that the Grandfathers will provide for our needs to survive in this modern society; whether the gift is money, blankets, food or anything that represents how much they appreciate the help. Some people can afford big gifts, some people cannot. It all balances out."
Not all NDN people feel the way you do about praying with other Nations including whites.
I have been told by your elders, this is not a show, this way is a way of life, dress modestly, pray from your heart, give with your heart, you are welcome to Pray with us anytime. I knew to offer tobacco to the Sundance/Lodge leader I knew to bring food or wood.
My point is this humans carry a sickness in their heart, white people are lost trying to connect with the earth trying to remember who they are, but so are NDN's. Creator presented the Sweat Lodge to many many cultures around the world, the Earth does not just belong to one people, it belongs to the creator it is our job to take care of her and each other. My heart goes out to your struggle and your anger. Be angry carry it with you all the days of your life as you wish. Or hear my heart truly.The circle existed way before any of us. I would sit with you, I would let you scream, and be angry, and I would not move from my own place within the circle of life. My prayers are my prayers it is between me and my creator it is beyond the color of my skin or yours. I pray your heart be healed and that you can come back to remember the ways of your Beautiful warm hearted people..
You've maligned people on your blog without doing any research on the people or groups that you have condemned...Wilderness Spirit Adventures does not conduct nor lead sweat lodges. They are conducted by members of the Bloodvein First Nations here in Manitoba. There is no money changing hands for the privilege of taking part in this ceremony. There is no money included in the price of our trips that goes towards the ceremony.
Please fully research something before you post something that is completely incorrect. It does no one good, including the reputation of your blog
First- What are people taking movies of ceremony for? ONE DOES NOT TAKE MOVIES OF CEREMONY. EVER. PERIOD!
Second- this from AngryNDN in the comment section; " NATIVE SPIRITUALITY IS NOT FOR YOU! LEAVE IT ALONE! YOU CAN'T BUY IT! IT IS NOT FOR SALE! Anyone that you could possibly have access to is a fraud. NO MEANS NO!"
Congratulations for being the most racist bastard I've heard in a while. No doubt you are the spirit of an old white man from the 1800's who killed lots of Indians and now has to live a life as one of them. Get this "Chief" YOU DON'T OWN GOD AND YOU DON'T OWN THE ROADS TO HIM. ALL FORMS OF THE SPIRITUAL PATH ARE ALWAYS OPEN TO ALL PEOPLE!! So take your exclusionary, elitist, racist attitude and stick them where the sun doesn't shine. That's where your attitude belongs! With all your other shit. (You have a TON of work to do dude)
Third- There are fakes and frauds in all faiths. I am from the lineage of Joseph Real- Beautiful Painted Arrow- He is not a fraud or a fake. He is a man of love who saw his mission as bringing sacred dances to all the people. For this assholes like AngryNDN in the AIM movement (a bunch of racist Indians) put a PRICE ON HIS HEAD! Yeah. That's REAL SPIRITUAL alright.
Maybe racist jerks like AngryNDN would grow a little if they could get past thinking they OWN dancing in ceremony and try to see how everyone needs and deserves a chance to follow the path that calls them. I really have to say AngryNDN your attitude has grossed me out. Work on your racism. It is a canker on your aura. Try some of that "PAINFUL SOUL SEARCHING" that you recommend for everybody else. I imagine that if you ever really get a look at how gross your racism is, it will be like popping a pus filled sore.
Lastly. This post seems to assume that after building the lodge in the 1st place, then getting wood and rocks together, building the fire and organizing a sweat, everyone else ought to be able to just come in and rip off the energy and leave nothing in exchange. That's unbalanced and unfair. Of course one should always give back when one has received gifts! (Or give forward-same thing energetically)
So much anger? So much ownership? So much passion! Blame is a shadow emotion. Stop pointing the finger, and go out and do what you are being called to do. Redirect that blame into a true fire and burn brightly yourself... Not cast shadows on others.
Your information re, SOTEMS in Australia being linked to the death of a man in South Australia is wrong and misleading. I've been a member for 20 years and ceremonial leader and sweat facilitator for 15years, my training for role of facilitator took five years. The person who caused this tragedy was not trained by nor a member of sotems, and certainly not given permission to facilitate the sacred sweat. He had attended some sweats and thought that this made him an expert, not so. To use an example from your own gun mad culture, is it the gun that kills or the person pulling the trigger, a person may participate in an accepted in your view and perspective lodge then soon after flip out due to an undiagnosed mental condition and drive a bus load of children off a cliff, the logic that you use would say that because these events were sequential then they were causal and that one led to the other. Cultural misappropriation of ceremony is a serious problem, which is why we no longer use NA ceremonies even though in the 1980's my teacher was given permission by traditional NA elders to conduct ceremony and train suitable persons and I was trained in the use of the beautiful traditional NA purification ceremony. I feel like I lost a part of myself and my spirit when Chief Arvol LH withdrew this permission yet even though we were hurting we continued in creating our own culture and ceremony of sweat lodge. NA do not have the monopoly on sweatlodge, australian aboriginal people were doing them for 40,000 years before you're ancestors even set foot on the Americas but we won't use or misappropriate their ceremonies either. We have been given custodianship of one of one tribal groups songs, this song and chant is used with great reverence and always acknowlwedged.
I think all traditions of the sweat should be respected according to the tribe. Purifications by steam and dancing around fires has been going on since the beginning of human civilization. Europeans have a long history of pagan ritual behavior which is also what the sweat lodge happens to be. Europeans have sweats and fire dancing and chanting also
Much to say about nothing...polarized kool-aid drinkers.I have been to a couple of lodges in my time. Ceremonies are cool.My understanding is limited and you authorities are always informative.I think I went to one with some guy name Chipps running it, not sure who he was maybe someone could enlighten me...
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