I received two links to blogs that exposing Holzwoth. People sending letters of protest can find useful information to use to convince tribal leaders and others no to support the fund raising activities of this unscrupulous fraud.
It would also be helpful for someone with knowledge and writing skills to self-publish an article on one of the Indy media websites in the areas where White Ego Woman will be appearing:
If you want to stay updated on the protests. Anyone can follow us on twitter and retweet with hashtags #nativeamerican and our tag #DPTP http://twitter.com/dontpaytopray (You don’t even have to have a cell phone, just web access)
If you don’t know what that means, just type:
“RT White Ego Woman continues her deception. Flag her as scam. http://dontpaytopray.blogspot.com #nativeamerican #DPTP @dontpaytopray”
We’ve also been given a list of the addresses and phone numbers of venues, the actual physical places where White Ego Woman will be appearing (These are not the sponsors, but the landlords):
The additional contact info I received follows:
White Ego Woman is appearing September 22, 2009, at: Levittown Hall 203 Levittown Pkwy Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 933-6400
White Ego Woman will be appearing September 26-27, 2009, at: Coast International Inn 3450 Aviation Avenue Anchorage, AK? 99503 (907) 243-2233? FAX: (907) 248-3796 Toll Free 1-800-716-6199 International +800-800-26278 Email contact form: https://www.coasthotels.com/contactus
White Ego Woman is appearing on October 16, 2009 (7pm-10pm), at: Wantagh Memorial Congregational Church 1845 Wantagh Avenue, Wantagh, NY 11793 (516) 785-1247
White Ego Woman is appearing on October 17, 2009 (10:30am-6:30pm), at: Merrick Golf Course Clubhouse 2550 Clubhouse Road Merrick, NY 11566 (516) 868-4650
White Ego Woman is appearing on October 23 (7pm–10pm) and October 24 (10am-6pm), at: Comox Band Hall 3320 Comox Road Courtenay, BC V9N 3P8 CANADA
Contact info for the Comox (Kómox) First Nation Chief Ernest Hardy and Council, K'omoks First Nation
Chief Ernest Hardy Telephone: (250) 339-7122 K'ómoks First Nation 3320 Comox Road Comox, BC V9N 3P8 (250) 339-4545 older number (250)339-7122 Barbara Mitchell Melinda Knox ( Manger) Fax: (250) 339-7053 Website: http://www.comoxband.ca/index.php Email: Email: info@comoxband.ca Cultural Center Telepone: 250-339-7702 Fax: 250-339-7053 e-mail: sales@ihosgallery.com
Kwakiutl District Council Kwakiutl Band Council Chief Marion Wright PO Box 1440 99 Tsakis Way Port Hardy B.C. V0N 2P0 Telephone: (250) 949-6012 Fax: (250) 949-6066
MAILING ADDRESS: Kwakiutl District Council (Administers the KDC Member Nation communities of Kwakiutl, Mamalilikulla, Da’nanxda”Xw, We Wai Kum, Kwiakah, and Komox) Kwakiutl District Council Telehone: (250) 339-6593
P.O. Box 489 CAMPBELL RIVER, British Columbia V9W 5C1 Location Address: 695 Headstart Cres. CAMPBELL RIVER, British Columbia V9W 5C1 Telephone: (250) 286-3263 Toll Free Phone: (866) 999-3263 Fax: (250) 286-3268 Email: kdc@oberon.ark.com
P.O. Box 2490 109 Tsakis Way Port Hardy British Columbia Canada V0N 2P0 Telephone: (250)949-9433 Fax: (250) 949-9677
Kwakiutl Indian Band P. O. Box 1440 99 Tsakis Way Port Hardy British Columbia Canada V0N 2P0 Telephone: (250) 949-6012 Fax: (250) 949-6066
It was also suggested to contact First Nations leader’s in Vancouver, BC:
The University of British Columbia Aboriginal Strategic Plan Task Group http://aboriginal.ubc.ca/contact-us/ Telephone: (604) 822-0307 email: aboriginal.strategicplan@ubc.ca
Kla-how-eya Aboriginal Centre 13629 108th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3T 2K4 For staff contact or to get more info on programs please call: Telephone: (604)584-2008 Fax: 604-588-1850 Email: reception@sacsbc.org
If anyone has any creative suggestions for educating, protesting and culture jamming this event, post them in the comments or email us at dontpaytopray@gmail.com
Thanks to all of you who've emailed and commented for your support. It's really been overwhelming.
Even after promising not to continue to offend to Native People, Susan Holzworth AKA White Eagle Woman has broken her word and joined forces with yet another fraud, "Medicine Wolf"
As far as we know, the Sedona and Prescott appearance were cancelled due to threats of protests from Indian Country.
However, the Fraud will be appearing in Levittown New York (October 16-18, 2009) and in Van Couver BC (October 23-24th) in the next two months.
We need contact info for AIM groups in the New York Area and Aboriginal groups in the Van Couver area. Please email us at dontpaytopray@gmail.com if you know of groups who could organize a protest in these areas.
Sept. 26-27, 2009 Whole Life Festival: Coast International Inn. Anchorage Alaska
Call the Coast International Inn (near Anchorage, AK)
3450 Aviation Avenue, Anchorage, AK
Telephone: (907) 243-2233
FAX: (907) 248-3796
Toll Free 1-800-716-6199
International +800-800-26278
Email contact form: https://www.coasthotels.com/contactus
SEPTEMBER 22, 2009: Grandmother Drum Film /DRUMMING & SINGING Levittown, NEW YORK (Get ready for White Eagle’s appearance in October!)
Presented by Marjorie Harriz, RMT and Karin Tamborello,RMT The film” Grandmother Drum: Awakening the Global Heart” will be shown. This viewing will be followed by an interactive drumming and singing session. Please feel free to bring your drums and rattles. A spectacular door prize will be given away. Sponsored by The Long Island Reiki Connection
TO PROTEST CONTACT: Teri Sarin tsarin@optonline.net
TELEPHONE: 631 486 4577
You can call or email Teri with your protests for sponsoring this fraud, but Reiki groups are very difficult to reason with.
October 16, 2009 CD Release LIVING WATERS OF GRACE ‘Prayerformance’ with White Eagle Medicine Woman.
WHERE: Wantagh Memorial Congregational Church, Wantagh Ave. Wantagh, New York
WHEN: 7pm to 10pm.
TO PROTEST CONTACT: The Long Island Reiki Connection.
Email: Teri Sarin tsarin@optonline.net.
Telephone: 631 486 4577
Website: www.ReikiConnection.org
October 17, 2009 GATE OF GRACE: Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum with White Eagle Medicine Woman.
DESCRIPTION: “ A day workshop of sacred music, indigenous teachings, drumming and transformational meditation practices to open the Gate of Grace in the Heart. This Gate of Grace allows for an opening of profound gratitude, forgiveness and lasting peace.”
WHERE: Merrick Golf Course Club House on Club House Rd. New York
WHEN: 10:30am- 6:30pm.
TO PROTEST CONTACT: The Long Island Reiki Connection
Email: Teri Sarin tsarin@optonline.net
Telephone: 631 486 4577
Website: www.ReikiConnection.org
October 23, 2009 CD Release LIVING WATERS OF GRACE Prayerformance with White Eagle Medicine Woman.
WHEN: Friday, October 23, 2009 7pm – 10pm
Where: Comox Band Hall 3320 Comox Road, Courtenay, BC
Description: “CD Release LIVING WATERS OF GRACE Prayerformance with White Eagle Medicine Woman.”
TO PROTEST CONTACT: Julie Pelzer telephone: 250-339-5389
Email: jpelzer@shaw.ca
All Events Sponsored by: Violet Waters www.violetswaters.com & The Whirling Rainbow Foundation www.whirlingrainbow.com www.violetwaters.com
OCTOBER 24, 2009 GATE OF GRACE: Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum with White Eagle Medicine Woman.
WHERE: Comox Indian Band Hall, Comox, BC.
DESCRIPTION: "A day workshop of sacred music, indigenous teachings, drumming and transformational meditation practices to open the Gate of Grace in the Heart. This Gate of Grace allows for an opening of profound gratitude, forgiveness and lasting peace."
WHEN: October 24, 2009 10:00am- 6:00pm.
Telephone: Julie Pelzer at: 250-339-5389
Email: jpelzer@shaw.ca
Website: http://www.violetwaters.com
Susan has aligned herself with a NEW FRAUD – "Dr. Medicine Wolf"
OCTOBER 31, 2009 (Scary Halloween Frauds!)
WHEN: 10:30 am (Alaska Time)
DESCRIPTION: "White Eagle will have the honor to interview Dr. Medicine Wolf, biophysicist, medical doctor, naturopath, Iroquois medicine man, and one of the world’s leading authorities on monatomic elements. Dr. Medicine Wolf and his partner Ambaya will speak on super conductive mono atomic elements as the purest foods for the Light Body and his 5 Steps to Radiant Health! FREE CALL
Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4600
Participant Access Code: 701472#
Please take some time to join YouTube and flag White Ego Woman’s videos and Medicine Wolf’s videos for scam fraud or email or call the above and express your disgust at the activities of these unscrupulous frauds.
If you still don’t know about White Eagle Woman you can learn about her here:
Ward Churchill, Academic, Literary and Indian Fraud
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, July 26, 2007
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